
Data automation: what it is, how it works and what it is used for

The efficient management of an e-commerce project cannot ignore a conscious and optimized use of data, particularly regarding the copious flows of information describing individual articles.

Data automation and online commerce are closely connected from this point of view: automating the mechanisms for loading, updating, selecting and distributing product price lists brings immediate benefits, reducing timing and volumes of work, allowing you to maximize your presence on multiple sales channels, marketplaces, price comparators and affiliate platforms.

But what exactly does it consist of data automation? And how does a tool designed for feed management like Connecteed make it possible to define strategies based on the automation of data flows?

To find out more, continue reading this in-depth analysis or immediately discover all the potential of Connecteed by activating a Free Demo.



What is data automation?

Data automation refers to the use of tools and software to automate the collection, processing, management and distribution of data.

This practice allows us to eliminate repetitive manual activities and reduce the possibility of human errors,improving efficiency and accuracy of data management. Through automation, information is acquired, processed and sent to final destinations following a rapid and orderly flow, thus allowing ecommerce managers to dedicate time and resources to higher value-added activities.

How does data automation work?

Data automation is based on the use of specialized software tools thanks to which it becomes possibleautomate all phases of data management. These tools can be configured to perform specific actions based on predefined rules or user input.

For example, conditions can be defined for the automatic extraction of data from multiple price list acquisition channels, a frequent situation for sellers who collaborate with multiple suppliers. The information is then processed and normalized so as to render itconsistent and uniform. Finally, it is also possible to automate its distribution to the various sales channels, such as proprietary e-commerce portals, marketplaces and price comparators.

Data automation can also involve integration with additional tools and systems, such asorder management tool (OMS) e i warehouse management systems (WMS), always in order to prepare end-to-end data flows.

What is data automation for?

Data automation offersnumerous advantages and benefits for e-commerce managers and for those who manage multi-channel online sales activities.

Let's see some of the main purposes of data automation:

  • Save time and reduce errors
    Automating data management tasks saves valuable time by eliminating the need to perform repetitive manual tasks. It also minimizes human errors, improving data accuracy.

  • Consistency and uniformity of data
    Data automation ensures data uniformity, normalizing and standardizing it according to predefined rules. This is especially important when managing data from different channels or sources.

  • Real-time updates
    Thanks to data automation, it is possible to keep data constantly updated on all sales channels. This allows you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to potential buyers, improving the online shopping experience.

  • Data integration
    Data automation allows you to integrate data from different systems and channels, offering a complete and unified view of information. This simplifies data management and analysis, allowing you to draw meaningful insights to make data-driven decisions.

  • Scalability and flexibility
    Data automation tools are designed to handle large volumes of data and can be easily scaled to adapt to the growing needs of e-commerce. Furthermore, they offer flexibility in customizing the rules and actions to be performed, allowing users to adapt the system to their specific needs.

Connecteed: il product feed manager professionale

A tool that stands out for its effectiveness in data management for e-commerce and multi-channel online sales activities is Connecteed. It is a complete and professional product feed manager that offers a wide range of features to simplify and optimize product data management.

Centralized management of product feeds

One of the main features of Connecteed is the ability tocentrally manage feeds of products for different sales channels.

Through an intuitive interface, users can import product data from multiple sources and channels and normalize it based on predefined rules. Thus, it becomes possible to guarantee the coherence and uniformity of the data, avoiding errors and inconsistencies. Connecteed supports awide range of formats of feeds, including CSV, XML and JSON, ensuring compatibility with all the main ecommerce platforms, marketplaces and comparators.

Once data is imported, Connecteed offers advanced tools for data manipulation and optimization. Users can apply transformation rules foredit and enrich data of products, for example by adding attributes, changing prices, or creating product variations. This flexibility allows you to adapt product data to the specific needs of different sales channels.

Intelligent distribution of data across sales channels

Connecteed also simplifies the distribution of product data across different sales channels. Users can configure distribution rules to specifywhich products should be sent to which channels, based on criteria such as product categories, pricing, availability and more.

Plus, it's possibleschedule automatic update of data on channels by specifying specific time intervals or events.

This intelligent distribution capability allows e-commerce managers to optimize product visibility and performance. For example, you can send only competitively priced products to a particular price comparator or only send in-stock products to a particular marketplace. This allows you toadapt the sales strategy to each channel, improving the overall performance of the business.

Data mapping and normalization

Connecteed also offers advanced data mapping and normalization capabilities. Users can definemapping rules to associate product data fields with the fields required by different sales channels.

For example, let's say you have a "size" field in your product feed, but a sales channel requires the "size" field to be used. With Connecteed, you can create a mapping rule that maps the "size" field to the "size" field for that specific channel. Connecteed offers normalization capabilities to standardize field values, such as converting all sizes to a standard format.

Advanced monitoring and reporting

The platform provides advanced monitoring and reporting tools forkeep track of performances of product data. Users can view key metrics such as data freshness, feed health, product distribution and more.

This information allows e-commerce managers to evaluate the effectiveness of data management strategies and make any improvements.

Additionally, Connecteed offers the ability to generate custom reports, allowing users to select the desired metrics and dimensions to analyze specific aspects of product data management. Reports can be exported in various formats, such as PDF or CSV, for easy sharing and further analysis.

Integration with existing systems and tools

The application easily integrates with other systems and tools used by e-commerce managers.

For example, you can integrate Connecteed with an order management system (OMS) to automate the process of updating product data based on orders received. Furthermore, Connecteed can beintegrated with data analysis tools to gain insights into product performance and make data-driven decisions.

Safety and reliability

Connecteed pone grande emphasis on safety and reliability some data. Product data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. Furthermore, regular backup operations are performed to ensure continuous availability of the data.

Assistance and support

Connecteed provides adedicated assistance and complete support for its customers. A team of experts is available to answer questions, provide technical assistance and offer advice on best practices for managing product data.

Looking for a professional data automation tool?

Test Connecteed now by activating the free demo

Thanks to a professional tool like Connecteed, it becomes possible to exploit the advantages of data automation processeswithin everyone's reachregardless of your level of IT skills.

In just a few steps you can set up flows organized down to the smallest detail, selecting data acquisition sources, setting up customized databases and applying transformations to the attributes of individual items according to any type of conditional rule.

Automating the data workflow underlying the functioning of your e-commerce project or your online sales activities translates intoclear competitive advantages: from the possibility of being present on multiple sales channels without multiplying the energy and time required for the distribution and updating of price lists, to that of making timely changes to crucial information such as stock availability and sales prices.

Are you ready to discover all the potential of data automation and arevolutionize your online business?

Activate your Free Connecteed Demo, discover the numerous features available to you and ask your questions to the convenient Customer Service completely in Italian.

The efficient management of an e-commerce project cannot ignore a conscious and optimized use of data, particularly regarding the copious flows of information describing individual articles.

Data automation and online commerce are closely connected from this point of view: automating the mechanisms for loading, updating, selecting and distributing product price lists brings immediate benefits, reducing timing and volumes of work, allowing you to maximize your presence on multiple sales channels, marketplaces, price comparators and affiliate platforms.

But what exactly does it consist of data automation? And how does a tool designed for feed management like Connecteed make it possible to define strategies based on the automation of data flows?

To find out more, continue reading this in-depth analysis or immediately discover all the potential of Connecteed by activating a Free Demo.



What is data automation?

Data automation refers to the use of tools and software to automate the collection, processing, management and distribution of data.

This practice allows us to eliminate repetitive manual activities and reduce the possibility of human errors,improving efficiency and accuracy of data management. Through automation, information is acquired, processed and sent to final destinations following a rapid and orderly flow, thus allowing ecommerce managers to dedicate time and resources to higher value-added activities.

How does data automation work?

Data automation is based on the use of specialized software tools thanks to which it becomes possibleautomate all phases of data management. These tools can be configured to perform specific actions based on predefined rules or user input.

For example, conditions can be defined for the automatic extraction of data from multiple price list acquisition channels, a frequent situation for sellers who collaborate with multiple suppliers. The information is then processed and normalized so as to render itconsistent and uniform. Finally, it is also possible to automate its distribution to the various sales channels, such as proprietary e-commerce portals, marketplaces and price comparators.

Data automation can also involve integration with additional tools and systems, such asorder management tool (OMS) e i warehouse management systems (WMS), always in order to prepare end-to-end data flows.

What is data automation for?

Data automation offersnumerous advantages and benefits for e-commerce managers and for those who manage multi-channel online sales activities.

Let's see some of the main purposes of data automation:

  • Save time and reduce errors
    Automating data management tasks saves valuable time by eliminating the need to perform repetitive manual tasks. It also minimizes human errors, improving data accuracy.

  • Consistency and uniformity of data
    Data automation ensures data uniformity, normalizing and standardizing it according to predefined rules. This is especially important when managing data from different channels or sources.

  • Real-time updates
    Thanks to data automation, it is possible to keep data constantly updated on all sales channels. This allows you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to potential buyers, improving the online shopping experience.

  • Data integration
    Data automation allows you to integrate data from different systems and channels, offering a complete and unified view of information. This simplifies data management and analysis, allowing you to draw meaningful insights to make data-driven decisions.

  • Scalability and flexibility
    Data automation tools are designed to handle large volumes of data and can be easily scaled to adapt to the growing needs of e-commerce. Furthermore, they offer flexibility in customizing the rules and actions to be performed, allowing users to adapt the system to their specific needs.

Connecteed: il product feed manager professionale

A tool that stands out for its effectiveness in data management for e-commerce and multi-channel online sales activities is Connecteed. It is a complete and professional product feed manager that offers a wide range of features to simplify and optimize product data management.

Centralized management of product feeds

One of the main features of Connecteed is the ability tocentrally manage feeds of products for different sales channels.

Through an intuitive interface, users can import product data from multiple sources and channels and normalize it based on predefined rules. Thus, it becomes possible to guarantee the coherence and uniformity of the data, avoiding errors and inconsistencies. Connecteed supports awide range of formats of feeds, including CSV, XML and JSON, ensuring compatibility with all the main ecommerce platforms, marketplaces and comparators.

Once data is imported, Connecteed offers advanced tools for data manipulation and optimization. Users can apply transformation rules foredit and enrich data of products, for example by adding attributes, changing prices, or creating product variations. This flexibility allows you to adapt product data to the specific needs of different sales channels.

Intelligent distribution of data across sales channels

Connecteed also simplifies the distribution of product data across different sales channels. Users can configure distribution rules to specifywhich products should be sent to which channels, based on criteria such as product categories, pricing, availability and more.

Plus, it's possibleschedule automatic update of data on channels by specifying specific time intervals or events.

This intelligent distribution capability allows e-commerce managers to optimize product visibility and performance. For example, you can send only competitively priced products to a particular price comparator or only send in-stock products to a particular marketplace. This allows you toadapt the sales strategy to each channel, improving the overall performance of the business.

Data mapping and normalization

Connecteed also offers advanced data mapping and normalization capabilities. Users can definemapping rules to associate product data fields with the fields required by different sales channels.

For example, let's say you have a "size" field in your product feed, but a sales channel requires the "size" field to be used. With Connecteed, you can create a mapping rule that maps the "size" field to the "size" field for that specific channel. Connecteed offers normalization capabilities to standardize field values, such as converting all sizes to a standard format.

Advanced monitoring and reporting

The platform provides advanced monitoring and reporting tools forkeep track of performances of product data. Users can view key metrics such as data freshness, feed health, product distribution and more.

This information allows e-commerce managers to evaluate the effectiveness of data management strategies and make any improvements.

Additionally, Connecteed offers the ability to generate custom reports, allowing users to select the desired metrics and dimensions to analyze specific aspects of product data management. Reports can be exported in various formats, such as PDF or CSV, for easy sharing and further analysis.

Integration with existing systems and tools

The application easily integrates with other systems and tools used by e-commerce managers.

For example, you can integrate Connecteed with an order management system (OMS) to automate the process of updating product data based on orders received. Furthermore, Connecteed can beintegrated with data analysis tools to gain insights into product performance and make data-driven decisions.

Safety and reliability

Connecteed pone grande emphasis on safety and reliability some data. Product data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. Furthermore, regular backup operations are performed to ensure continuous availability of the data.

Assistance and support

Connecteed provides adedicated assistance and complete support for its customers. A team of experts is available to answer questions, provide technical assistance and offer advice on best practices for managing product data.

Looking for a professional data automation tool?

Test Connecteed now by activating the free demo

Thanks to a professional tool like Connecteed, it becomes possible to exploit the advantages of data automation processeswithin everyone's reachregardless of your level of IT skills.

In just a few steps you can set up flows organized down to the smallest detail, selecting data acquisition sources, setting up customized databases and applying transformations to the attributes of individual items according to any type of conditional rule.

Automating the data workflow underlying the functioning of your e-commerce project or your online sales activities translates intoclear competitive advantages: from the possibility of being present on multiple sales channels without multiplying the energy and time required for the distribution and updating of price lists, to that of making timely changes to crucial information such as stock availability and sales prices.

Are you ready to discover all the potential of data automation and arevolutionize your online business?

Activate your Free Connecteed Demo, discover the numerous features available to you and ask your questions to the convenient Customer Service completely in Italian.

The efficient management of an e-commerce project cannot ignore a conscious and optimized use of data, particularly regarding the copious flows of information describing individual articles.

Data automation and online commerce are closely connected from this point of view: automating the mechanisms for loading, updating, selecting and distributing product price lists brings immediate benefits, reducing timing and volumes of work, allowing you to maximize your presence on multiple sales channels, marketplaces, price comparators and affiliate platforms.

But what exactly does it consist of data automation? And how does a tool designed for feed management like Connecteed make it possible to define strategies based on the automation of data flows?

To find out more, continue reading this in-depth analysis or immediately discover all the potential of Connecteed by activating a Free Demo.



What is data automation?

Data automation refers to the use of tools and software to automate the collection, processing, management and distribution of data.

This practice allows us to eliminate repetitive manual activities and reduce the possibility of human errors,improving efficiency and accuracy of data management. Through automation, information is acquired, processed and sent to final destinations following a rapid and orderly flow, thus allowing ecommerce managers to dedicate time and resources to higher value-added activities.

How does data automation work?

Data automation is based on the use of specialized software tools thanks to which it becomes possibleautomate all phases of data management. These tools can be configured to perform specific actions based on predefined rules or user input.

For example, conditions can be defined for the automatic extraction of data from multiple price list acquisition channels, a frequent situation for sellers who collaborate with multiple suppliers. The information is then processed and normalized so as to render itconsistent and uniform. Finally, it is also possible to automate its distribution to the various sales channels, such as proprietary e-commerce portals, marketplaces and price comparators.

Data automation can also involve integration with additional tools and systems, such asorder management tool (OMS) e i warehouse management systems (WMS), always in order to prepare end-to-end data flows.

What is data automation for?

Data automation offersnumerous advantages and benefits for e-commerce managers and for those who manage multi-channel online sales activities.

Let's see some of the main purposes of data automation:

  • Save time and reduce errors
    Automating data management tasks saves valuable time by eliminating the need to perform repetitive manual tasks. It also minimizes human errors, improving data accuracy.

  • Consistency and uniformity of data
    Data automation ensures data uniformity, normalizing and standardizing it according to predefined rules. This is especially important when managing data from different channels or sources.

  • Real-time updates
    Thanks to data automation, it is possible to keep data constantly updated on all sales channels. This allows you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to potential buyers, improving the online shopping experience.

  • Data integration
    Data automation allows you to integrate data from different systems and channels, offering a complete and unified view of information. This simplifies data management and analysis, allowing you to draw meaningful insights to make data-driven decisions.

  • Scalability and flexibility
    Data automation tools are designed to handle large volumes of data and can be easily scaled to adapt to the growing needs of e-commerce. Furthermore, they offer flexibility in customizing the rules and actions to be performed, allowing users to adapt the system to their specific needs.

Connecteed: il product feed manager professionale

A tool that stands out for its effectiveness in data management for e-commerce and multi-channel online sales activities is Connecteed. It is a complete and professional product feed manager that offers a wide range of features to simplify and optimize product data management.

Centralized management of product feeds

One of the main features of Connecteed is the ability tocentrally manage feeds of products for different sales channels.

Through an intuitive interface, users can import product data from multiple sources and channels and normalize it based on predefined rules. Thus, it becomes possible to guarantee the coherence and uniformity of the data, avoiding errors and inconsistencies. Connecteed supports awide range of formats of feeds, including CSV, XML and JSON, ensuring compatibility with all the main ecommerce platforms, marketplaces and comparators.

Once data is imported, Connecteed offers advanced tools for data manipulation and optimization. Users can apply transformation rules foredit and enrich data of products, for example by adding attributes, changing prices, or creating product variations. This flexibility allows you to adapt product data to the specific needs of different sales channels.

Intelligent distribution of data across sales channels

Connecteed also simplifies the distribution of product data across different sales channels. Users can configure distribution rules to specifywhich products should be sent to which channels, based on criteria such as product categories, pricing, availability and more.

Plus, it's possibleschedule automatic update of data on channels by specifying specific time intervals or events.

This intelligent distribution capability allows e-commerce managers to optimize product visibility and performance. For example, you can send only competitively priced products to a particular price comparator or only send in-stock products to a particular marketplace. This allows you toadapt the sales strategy to each channel, improving the overall performance of the business.

Data mapping and normalization

Connecteed also offers advanced data mapping and normalization capabilities. Users can definemapping rules to associate product data fields with the fields required by different sales channels.

For example, let's say you have a "size" field in your product feed, but a sales channel requires the "size" field to be used. With Connecteed, you can create a mapping rule that maps the "size" field to the "size" field for that specific channel. Connecteed offers normalization capabilities to standardize field values, such as converting all sizes to a standard format.

Advanced monitoring and reporting

The platform provides advanced monitoring and reporting tools forkeep track of performances of product data. Users can view key metrics such as data freshness, feed health, product distribution and more.

This information allows e-commerce managers to evaluate the effectiveness of data management strategies and make any improvements.

Additionally, Connecteed offers the ability to generate custom reports, allowing users to select the desired metrics and dimensions to analyze specific aspects of product data management. Reports can be exported in various formats, such as PDF or CSV, for easy sharing and further analysis.

Integration with existing systems and tools

The application easily integrates with other systems and tools used by e-commerce managers.

For example, you can integrate Connecteed with an order management system (OMS) to automate the process of updating product data based on orders received. Furthermore, Connecteed can beintegrated with data analysis tools to gain insights into product performance and make data-driven decisions.

Safety and reliability

Connecteed pone grande emphasis on safety and reliability some data. Product data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. Furthermore, regular backup operations are performed to ensure continuous availability of the data.

Assistance and support

Connecteed provides adedicated assistance and complete support for its customers. A team of experts is available to answer questions, provide technical assistance and offer advice on best practices for managing product data.

Looking for a professional data automation tool?

Test Connecteed now by activating the free demo

Thanks to a professional tool like Connecteed, it becomes possible to exploit the advantages of data automation processeswithin everyone's reachregardless of your level of IT skills.

In just a few steps you can set up flows organized down to the smallest detail, selecting data acquisition sources, setting up customized databases and applying transformations to the attributes of individual items according to any type of conditional rule.

Automating the data workflow underlying the functioning of your e-commerce project or your online sales activities translates intoclear competitive advantages: from the possibility of being present on multiple sales channels without multiplying the energy and time required for the distribution and updating of price lists, to that of making timely changes to crucial information such as stock availability and sales prices.

Are you ready to discover all the potential of data automation and arevolutionize your online business?

Activate your Free Connecteed Demo, discover the numerous features available to you and ask your questions to the convenient Customer Service completely in Italian.

The efficient management of an e-commerce project cannot ignore a conscious and optimized use of data, particularly regarding the copious flows of information describing individual articles.

Data automation and online commerce are closely connected from this point of view: automating the mechanisms for loading, updating, selecting and distributing product price lists brings immediate benefits, reducing timing and volumes of work, allowing you to maximize your presence on multiple sales channels, marketplaces, price comparators and affiliate platforms.

But what exactly does it consist of data automation? And how does a tool designed for feed management like Connecteed make it possible to define strategies based on the automation of data flows?

To find out more, continue reading this in-depth analysis or immediately discover all the potential of Connecteed by activating a Free Demo.



What is data automation?

Data automation refers to the use of tools and software to automate the collection, processing, management and distribution of data.

This practice allows us to eliminate repetitive manual activities and reduce the possibility of human errors,improving efficiency and accuracy of data management. Through automation, information is acquired, processed and sent to final destinations following a rapid and orderly flow, thus allowing ecommerce managers to dedicate time and resources to higher value-added activities.

How does data automation work?

Data automation is based on the use of specialized software tools thanks to which it becomes possibleautomate all phases of data management. These tools can be configured to perform specific actions based on predefined rules or user input.

For example, conditions can be defined for the automatic extraction of data from multiple price list acquisition channels, a frequent situation for sellers who collaborate with multiple suppliers. The information is then processed and normalized so as to render itconsistent and uniform. Finally, it is also possible to automate its distribution to the various sales channels, such as proprietary e-commerce portals, marketplaces and price comparators.

Data automation can also involve integration with additional tools and systems, such asorder management tool (OMS) e i warehouse management systems (WMS), always in order to prepare end-to-end data flows.

What is data automation for?

Data automation offersnumerous advantages and benefits for e-commerce managers and for those who manage multi-channel online sales activities.

Let's see some of the main purposes of data automation:

  • Save time and reduce errors
    Automating data management tasks saves valuable time by eliminating the need to perform repetitive manual tasks. It also minimizes human errors, improving data accuracy.

  • Consistency and uniformity of data
    Data automation ensures data uniformity, normalizing and standardizing it according to predefined rules. This is especially important when managing data from different channels or sources.

  • Real-time updates
    Thanks to data automation, it is possible to keep data constantly updated on all sales channels. This allows you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to potential buyers, improving the online shopping experience.

  • Data integration
    Data automation allows you to integrate data from different systems and channels, offering a complete and unified view of information. This simplifies data management and analysis, allowing you to draw meaningful insights to make data-driven decisions.

  • Scalability and flexibility
    Data automation tools are designed to handle large volumes of data and can be easily scaled to adapt to the growing needs of e-commerce. Furthermore, they offer flexibility in customizing the rules and actions to be performed, allowing users to adapt the system to their specific needs.

Connecteed: il product feed manager professionale

A tool that stands out for its effectiveness in data management for e-commerce and multi-channel online sales activities is Connecteed. It is a complete and professional product feed manager that offers a wide range of features to simplify and optimize product data management.

Centralized management of product feeds

One of the main features of Connecteed is the ability tocentrally manage feeds of products for different sales channels.

Through an intuitive interface, users can import product data from multiple sources and channels and normalize it based on predefined rules. Thus, it becomes possible to guarantee the coherence and uniformity of the data, avoiding errors and inconsistencies. Connecteed supports awide range of formats of feeds, including CSV, XML and JSON, ensuring compatibility with all the main ecommerce platforms, marketplaces and comparators.

Once data is imported, Connecteed offers advanced tools for data manipulation and optimization. Users can apply transformation rules foredit and enrich data of products, for example by adding attributes, changing prices, or creating product variations. This flexibility allows you to adapt product data to the specific needs of different sales channels.

Intelligent distribution of data across sales channels

Connecteed also simplifies the distribution of product data across different sales channels. Users can configure distribution rules to specifywhich products should be sent to which channels, based on criteria such as product categories, pricing, availability and more.

Plus, it's possibleschedule automatic update of data on channels by specifying specific time intervals or events.

This intelligent distribution capability allows e-commerce managers to optimize product visibility and performance. For example, you can send only competitively priced products to a particular price comparator or only send in-stock products to a particular marketplace. This allows you toadapt the sales strategy to each channel, improving the overall performance of the business.

Data mapping and normalization

Connecteed also offers advanced data mapping and normalization capabilities. Users can definemapping rules to associate product data fields with the fields required by different sales channels.

For example, let's say you have a "size" field in your product feed, but a sales channel requires the "size" field to be used. With Connecteed, you can create a mapping rule that maps the "size" field to the "size" field for that specific channel. Connecteed offers normalization capabilities to standardize field values, such as converting all sizes to a standard format.

Advanced monitoring and reporting

The platform provides advanced monitoring and reporting tools forkeep track of performances of product data. Users can view key metrics such as data freshness, feed health, product distribution and more.

This information allows e-commerce managers to evaluate the effectiveness of data management strategies and make any improvements.

Additionally, Connecteed offers the ability to generate custom reports, allowing users to select the desired metrics and dimensions to analyze specific aspects of product data management. Reports can be exported in various formats, such as PDF or CSV, for easy sharing and further analysis.

Integration with existing systems and tools

The application easily integrates with other systems and tools used by e-commerce managers.

For example, you can integrate Connecteed with an order management system (OMS) to automate the process of updating product data based on orders received. Furthermore, Connecteed can beintegrated with data analysis tools to gain insights into product performance and make data-driven decisions.

Safety and reliability

Connecteed pone grande emphasis on safety and reliability some data. Product data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. Furthermore, regular backup operations are performed to ensure continuous availability of the data.

Assistance and support

Connecteed provides adedicated assistance and complete support for its customers. A team of experts is available to answer questions, provide technical assistance and offer advice on best practices for managing product data.

Looking for a professional data automation tool?

Test Connecteed now by activating the free demo

Thanks to a professional tool like Connecteed, it becomes possible to exploit the advantages of data automation processeswithin everyone's reachregardless of your level of IT skills.

In just a few steps you can set up flows organized down to the smallest detail, selecting data acquisition sources, setting up customized databases and applying transformations to the attributes of individual items according to any type of conditional rule.

Automating the data workflow underlying the functioning of your e-commerce project or your online sales activities translates intoclear competitive advantages: from the possibility of being present on multiple sales channels without multiplying the energy and time required for the distribution and updating of price lists, to that of making timely changes to crucial information such as stock availability and sales prices.

Are you ready to discover all the potential of data automation and arevolutionize your online business?

Activate your Free Connecteed Demo, discover the numerous features available to you and ask your questions to the convenient Customer Service completely in Italian.

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trial today!

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Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004