Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy effective May 25, 2018

Last update: March 15, 2022


The Data Controller scrupulously respects the privacy of all users who access the website or the services connected to it (which we will later refer to as a whole as the "Platform"), from any PC, application, mobile device, platform or other means of access or use. In this policy we want to describe to you in a transparent, detailed and exhaustive way how we collect, share, use and protect your personal information. By using the Platform and its services you are aware that we will use your personal data as described in the information.



The reference regulatory bases on which this information is based is the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free circulation of personal data, in particular art. 13 of the Regulation and the Legislative Decree of 10 August 2018, n. 101.



This information does not refer to and does not regulate the services offered by third parties (possibly accessible via links on the Platform) and related methods of processing your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies on the websites of third parties on how they will process your personal data and how they will possibly be shared. The owner has no control over these third parties and therefore declines any responsibility regarding the processing of your personal data carried out by these sites.



We will modify the information with additions or variations to make it updated with respect to the legislation and adequate with respect to any technical changes made to the Platform or to any changes in the purposes or methods of processing your data. We will inform you of any changes with specific notices. However, we recommend that you periodically check this page to stay updated. Each updated version, which will be accompanied by its date, will be published on this web page and will become effective towards you immediately after its publication.



The data controller of your personal data through the Platform is the company ( srl) with registered office in Rome (RM), at VIA GUERRIERI, 7 – 72100 VAT number and C.F. 16225951009, e-Mail:



When you use the Platform we will collect your personal data only if you send it to us directly or through automatic systems that allow the regular functioning of the Platform. Some personal data is mandatory for us to identify you, others are optional but may be necessary to use some of the Platform's services.

In particular, we may collect your personal data from these categories:


These are the data that you provide us freely and optionally, for example when you send us an email to our email address indicated on the Platform or fill out our contact form. In these cases we will acquire your personal data necessary to respond to you, in addition to any data you sent us in your communication. We will not disseminate or communicate this data to third parties, and we will not use it to define your profile or personality. We will ultimately keep them only as correspondence. Your personal data that you can provide us voluntarily are:

 ● identification data such as name, surname, e-mail - necessary during the registration phase on the Platform (or subsequently, where required for the execution of specific services);

 ● data relating to the ways in which you use the Platform;

 ● further information that you will send us via the forms on the Platform;

 ● the information you provide us when registering for the newsletter, as well as navigation information, including the so-called technical and/or profiling cookies, etc.;

 ● information relating to your navigation within the Platform.

The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation) or, depending on the case, the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (art. 6.1-c of the Regulation) .

However, data relating to your payments will not be stored, which will be managed by the Stripe company. To understand how Stripe manages your data, visit the web page at this link.



Some of the Platform's services are reserved only for users who complete the registration procedure. To complete the registration procedure we need some of your personal data, specifically indicated during the registration procedure. You must also provide us, where requested, with a username and password that identifies you. Any other personal data requested during the registration procedure, and not indicated as mandatory, is optional and entirely left to your will.



We will use some of the data you communicate to us to use the services accessible with your credentials to perform the following activities:

invoice any paid services and/or product purchases that you request from us;

for any purpose strictly connected to the execution of the services we offer you on the Platform. If you do not provide us with this data, we will not be able to allow you to use some or all of the services we offer on our Platform.

We will also use your data - exclusively if you provide us with specific consent (art. 6.1-a of the Regulation) as resulting from the tick of the item "I consent to processing for marketing purposes" - to send you updates on our activities, in particular on our new services /products, on our special offers, on surveys and/or opinions and on other types of communications relating to our services and for the preparation of statistical and commercial research studies.

Your consent to this processing of your data is optional (and freely modifiable even if you have consented, via a simple request to the email address or a different method indicated by the Data Controller, without any further formality) and your possible refusal will not will make it impossible to use the Platform's services.



The telematic and information systems that allow the Platform to function automatically acquire, during their normal operation, some of your personal data relating to navigation.

 In particular, while browsing the Platform we collect:

 ● your IP address;

 ● the number of your accesses;

 ● the duration of your browsing;

 ● the name of your browser;

 ● the pages you have viewed;

 ● the date and time you logged in;

 ● additional parameters relating to the operating system you used to connect.

The legal basis for these treatments is the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (art. 6.1-f of the Regulation).



We collect your browsing data only to obtain anonymous statistical information on how you use our Platform and to check that it works correctly. However, by their very nature, these data could allow us to trace your identity, also through processing and association with other data held by third parties.



Your browsing data are in no case used for marketing purposes, to define your profile or personality, to send you advertising material, to carry out market research or commercial communications - and we will only retain them temporarily.



Our newsletter service is reserved for users who register. To provide and manage this service, we use the services and tools provided by the website called 'HubSpot'. For more information on how this third party will process your personal data we recommend that you carefully consult their privacy policy by clicking on this link. If you do not provide us with the data necessary for registration, we will not be able to provide you with the newsletter service. The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation).



We will use your personal data to provide you with the services you request and to personalize and continuously improve your user experience of using our Platform. If you have not reached the age of 18 (eighteen), or you do not have the capacity to act, this information is addressed to the person responsible for this purpose by current Italian law, who remains the only person authorized to provide us consent to the processing of your personal data. The processing of your personal data that you have communicated to us will be carried out by us, with or without the aid of electronic tools, according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in order to protect your privacy and your rights at all times in compliance with as required by current legislation. Such data will not, however, be disclosed or communicated in any way to external parties, without prejudice to the obligations established by current laws.



Unless otherwise specified in relation to the individual purposes of the processing as specified above, your personal data may be communicated to - or in any case become known to - authorized subjects and/or external data processors, in relation to the skills and functions of each, in order to satisfy the purposes or to implement specific regulatory and/or contractual obligations. The personal data that you have communicated to us are not generally communicated to other subjects, unless this is necessary for regulatory or contractual provisions or to fulfill specific obligations.

In these cases, we may need to communicate your personal data to some of these entities:

consultants or collaborators, internal and/or external, for compliance with current legislation and/or for the execution of contractual services in relations with the individual interested parties (for example employment consultants, legal consultants, accountants, tax consultants, auditors, etc.) – after signing a specific appointment as authorized/external manager of the processing of personal data or equivalent NDA/Confidentiality Agreement;

judicial authority or other public authorities, in compliance with the purposes of the processing of your data or for legal obligations.



Your personal data is stored within the European Economic Area (also referred to as 'AEE'), and specifically is stored on servers by We also reserve the right to transfer your personal data to countries that guarantee us an adequate level of security, on the basis of the adequacy decisions of the European Commission or on the basis of the adequate guarantees provided for by current legislation.



We use particularly advanced encryption technologies and periodic backups to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your data.



We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce concluded agreements. Your personal data will therefore be retained, as required by law, for a period of time no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we are processing them, in particular:

● in relation to the management of the existing contractual relationship, the data will be retained for the times defined by the relevant legislation as well as, upon termination of the relationship, for the ten-year period for the retention of civil data only;

● in relation to the management of personal data that you may have communicated to us when you registered for our services accessible via credentials and/or the newsletter service for as long as this registration remains active;

● in relation to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, and only if you have provided us with specific consent (optional), we will retain the data collected for the time strictly necessary for the management of the purposes indicated above according to the criteria based on compliance with current regulations and correctness and the balance between our legitimate interest and your rights and freedoms. In the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, and in the absence of your new explicit consent which you will have to express to us as the following deadlines approach, we will use your data for marketing purposes for a maximum of 24 months and we will subsequently delete them.


In any case we will take every care to avoid using your data for an indefinite period, proceeding periodically to appropriately verify your actual interest in granting us the possibility of processing the data for marketing purposes - activities that we will carry out through contact methods automated, like eMail.



As an interested party in the processing of your personal data you have the right to ask us:

● confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain access (right of access);

● the rectification of your inaccurate personal data, or the integration of your incomplete personal data (right of rectification);

● the deletion of your data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (right to be forgotten);

● the limitation of the processing of your data when one of the hypotheses provided for by the Regulation occurs (right of limitation);

● to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit, where technically possible, such data to another data controller (right to portability);

● the right to revoke consent to the processing of your data, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation and to object at any time to the processing for marketing purposes or other additional purposes (right to object );

● the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

● the right to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.



We inform you that you also have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or which similarly significantly affects you, unless such automated activity is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Data Controller, is authorized by Union or Member State law to which we are subject as Data Controllers (which also specifies adequate measures to protect your rights, your freedoms and your legitimate interests) - or finally that is based on your explicit consent.



You can exercise the above-mentioned rights at any time by sending a simple request to this email address We will contact or inform you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of your request.



If you believe that the legislation on personal data protection has been violated with regards to the processing of your data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the local Data Protection Authority within the European Economic Area ('AEE'). You can find the references of the individual Authorities, depending on the country you are in.


This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the user's browsing experience, allow you to use our services and display advertising in line with your preferences.

If you continue browsing you consent to the use of cookies. At any time it is possible to disable the cookies present on the browser; We remind you that this option may limit some of the site's navigation features.

Instructions for disabling cookies for the various browsers

If you use Internet Explorer
Click "Tools" => "Internet Options". In the Privacy tab, move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies; finally click "OK".

If you use Firefox
Access the "Tools" menu of your browser and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" tab, uncheck the "Accept cookies" box and click "OK".

If you use Safari
Select the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences". Click on "Privacy". Uncheck the "Accept cookies from all sites" item.

If you use Google Chrome
Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar. Select "Settings". Click "Show advanced settings." In the "Privacy" section, click the "Content Settings" button. In the "Cookies" section, select "Do not allow sites to store data" and check "Block cookies and third-party site data", and then click "OK". uses numerous service providers who can in turn install cookies for the correct functioning of the services they provide. For information relating to these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please read the information below:

Third-party statistical and audience measurement cookies
These third-party cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information on how visitors navigate the site.

  • Google Analytics

Cookies in social media sharing
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some features of the main social media. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google connect, sharing and commenting on site pages on social media, enabling the "like" functionality on Facebook, the "+1" on G+ and the Tweet on Twitter.

  • Facebook

  • Google+

  • Twitter


The Data Controller scrupulously respects the privacy of all users who access the website or the services connected to it (which we will later refer to as a whole as the "Platform"), from any PC, application, mobile device, platform or other means of access or use. In this policy we want to describe to you in a transparent, detailed and exhaustive way how we collect, share, use and protect your personal information. By using the Platform and its services you are aware that we will use your personal data as described in the information.



The reference regulatory bases on which this information is based is the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free circulation of personal data, in particular art. 13 of the Regulation and the Legislative Decree of 10 August 2018, n. 101.



This information does not refer to and does not regulate the services offered by third parties (possibly accessible via links on the Platform) and related methods of processing your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies on the websites of third parties on how they will process your personal data and how they will possibly be shared. The owner has no control over these third parties and therefore declines any responsibility regarding the processing of your personal data carried out by these sites.



We will modify the information with additions or variations to make it updated with respect to the legislation and adequate with respect to any technical changes made to the Platform or to any changes in the purposes or methods of processing your data. We will inform you of any changes with specific notices. However, we recommend that you periodically check this page to stay updated. Each updated version, which will be accompanied by its date, will be published on this web page and will become effective towards you immediately after its publication.



The data controller of your personal data through the Platform is the company ( srl) with registered office in Rome (RM), at VIA GUERRIERI, 7 – 72100 VAT number and C.F. 16225951009, e-Mail:



When you use the Platform we will collect your personal data only if you send it to us directly or through automatic systems that allow the regular functioning of the Platform. Some personal data is mandatory for us to identify you, others are optional but may be necessary to use some of the Platform's services.

In particular, we may collect your personal data from these categories:


These are the data that you provide us freely and optionally, for example when you send us an email to our email address indicated on the Platform or fill out our contact form. In these cases we will acquire your personal data necessary to respond to you, in addition to any data you sent us in your communication. We will not disseminate or communicate this data to third parties, and we will not use it to define your profile or personality. We will ultimately keep them only as correspondence. Your personal data that you can provide us voluntarily are:

 ● identification data such as name, surname, e-mail - necessary during the registration phase on the Platform (or subsequently, where required for the execution of specific services);

 ● data relating to the ways in which you use the Platform;

 ● further information that you will send us via the forms on the Platform;

 ● the information you provide us when registering for the newsletter, as well as navigation information, including the so-called technical and/or profiling cookies, etc.;

 ● information relating to your navigation within the Platform.

The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation) or, depending on the case, the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (art. 6.1-c of the Regulation) .

However, data relating to your payments will not be stored, which will be managed by the Stripe company. To understand how Stripe manages your data, visit the web page at this link.



Some of the Platform's services are reserved only for users who complete the registration procedure. To complete the registration procedure we need some of your personal data, specifically indicated during the registration procedure. You must also provide us, where requested, with a username and password that identifies you. Any other personal data requested during the registration procedure, and not indicated as mandatory, is optional and entirely left to your will.



We will use some of the data you communicate to us to use the services accessible with your credentials to perform the following activities:

invoice any paid services and/or product purchases that you request from us;

for any purpose strictly connected to the execution of the services we offer you on the Platform. If you do not provide us with this data, we will not be able to allow you to use some or all of the services we offer on our Platform.

We will also use your data - exclusively if you provide us with specific consent (art. 6.1-a of the Regulation) as resulting from the tick of the item "I consent to processing for marketing purposes" - to send you updates on our activities, in particular on our new services /products, on our special offers, on surveys and/or opinions and on other types of communications relating to our services and for the preparation of statistical and commercial research studies.

Your consent to this processing of your data is optional (and freely modifiable even if you have consented, via a simple request to the email address or a different method indicated by the Data Controller, without any further formality) and your possible refusal will not will make it impossible to use the Platform's services.



The telematic and information systems that allow the Platform to function automatically acquire, during their normal operation, some of your personal data relating to navigation.

 In particular, while browsing the Platform we collect:

 ● your IP address;

 ● the number of your accesses;

 ● the duration of your browsing;

 ● the name of your browser;

 ● the pages you have viewed;

 ● the date and time you logged in;

 ● additional parameters relating to the operating system you used to connect.

The legal basis for these treatments is the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (art. 6.1-f of the Regulation).



We collect your browsing data only to obtain anonymous statistical information on how you use our Platform and to check that it works correctly. However, by their very nature, these data could allow us to trace your identity, also through processing and association with other data held by third parties.



Your browsing data are in no case used for marketing purposes, to define your profile or personality, to send you advertising material, to carry out market research or commercial communications - and we will only retain them temporarily.



Our newsletter service is reserved for users who register. To provide and manage this service, we use the services and tools provided by the website called 'HubSpot'. For more information on how this third party will process your personal data we recommend that you carefully consult their privacy policy by clicking on this link. If you do not provide us with the data necessary for registration, we will not be able to provide you with the newsletter service. The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation).



We will use your personal data to provide you with the services you request and to personalize and continuously improve your user experience of using our Platform. If you have not reached the age of 18 (eighteen), or you do not have the capacity to act, this information is addressed to the person responsible for this purpose by current Italian law, who remains the only person authorized to provide us consent to the processing of your personal data. The processing of your personal data that you have communicated to us will be carried out by us, with or without the aid of electronic tools, according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in order to protect your privacy and your rights at all times in compliance with as required by current legislation. Such data will not, however, be disclosed or communicated in any way to external parties, without prejudice to the obligations established by current laws.



Unless otherwise specified in relation to the individual purposes of the processing as specified above, your personal data may be communicated to - or in any case become known to - authorized subjects and/or external data processors, in relation to the skills and functions of each, in order to satisfy the purposes or to implement specific regulatory and/or contractual obligations. The personal data that you have communicated to us are not generally communicated to other subjects, unless this is necessary for regulatory or contractual provisions or to fulfill specific obligations.

In these cases, we may need to communicate your personal data to some of these entities:

consultants or collaborators, internal and/or external, for compliance with current legislation and/or for the execution of contractual services in relations with the individual interested parties (for example employment consultants, legal consultants, accountants, tax consultants, auditors, etc.) – after signing a specific appointment as authorized/external manager of the processing of personal data or equivalent NDA/Confidentiality Agreement;

judicial authority or other public authorities, in compliance with the purposes of the processing of your data or for legal obligations.



Your personal data is stored within the European Economic Area (also referred to as 'AEE'), and specifically is stored on servers by We also reserve the right to transfer your personal data to countries that guarantee us an adequate level of security, on the basis of the adequacy decisions of the European Commission or on the basis of the adequate guarantees provided for by current legislation.



We use particularly advanced encryption technologies and periodic backups to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your data.



We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce concluded agreements. Your personal data will therefore be retained, as required by law, for a period of time no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we are processing them, in particular:

● in relation to the management of the existing contractual relationship, the data will be retained for the times defined by the relevant legislation as well as, upon termination of the relationship, for the ten-year period for the retention of civil data only;

● in relation to the management of personal data that you may have communicated to us when you registered for our services accessible via credentials and/or the newsletter service for as long as this registration remains active;

● in relation to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, and only if you have provided us with specific consent (optional), we will retain the data collected for the time strictly necessary for the management of the purposes indicated above according to the criteria based on compliance with current regulations and correctness and the balance between our legitimate interest and your rights and freedoms. In the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, and in the absence of your new explicit consent which you will have to express to us as the following deadlines approach, we will use your data for marketing purposes for a maximum of 24 months and we will subsequently delete them.


In any case we will take every care to avoid using your data for an indefinite period, proceeding periodically to appropriately verify your actual interest in granting us the possibility of processing the data for marketing purposes - activities that we will carry out through contact methods automated, like eMail.



As an interested party in the processing of your personal data you have the right to ask us:

● confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain access (right of access);

● the rectification of your inaccurate personal data, or the integration of your incomplete personal data (right of rectification);

● the deletion of your data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (right to be forgotten);

● the limitation of the processing of your data when one of the hypotheses provided for by the Regulation occurs (right of limitation);

● to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit, where technically possible, such data to another data controller (right to portability);

● the right to revoke consent to the processing of your data, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation and to object at any time to the processing for marketing purposes or other additional purposes (right to object );

● the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

● the right to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.



We inform you that you also have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or which similarly significantly affects you, unless such automated activity is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Data Controller, is authorized by Union or Member State law to which we are subject as Data Controllers (which also specifies adequate measures to protect your rights, your freedoms and your legitimate interests) - or finally that is based on your explicit consent.



You can exercise the above-mentioned rights at any time by sending a simple request to this email address We will contact or inform you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of your request.



If you believe that the legislation on personal data protection has been violated with regards to the processing of your data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the local Data Protection Authority within the European Economic Area ('AEE'). You can find the references of the individual Authorities, depending on the country you are in.


This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the user's browsing experience, allow you to use our services and display advertising in line with your preferences.

If you continue browsing you consent to the use of cookies. At any time it is possible to disable the cookies present on the browser; We remind you that this option may limit some of the site's navigation features.

Instructions for disabling cookies for the various browsers

If you use Internet Explorer
Click "Tools" => "Internet Options". In the Privacy tab, move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies; finally click "OK".

If you use Firefox
Access the "Tools" menu of your browser and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" tab, uncheck the "Accept cookies" box and click "OK".

If you use Safari
Select the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences". Click on "Privacy". Uncheck the "Accept cookies from all sites" item.

If you use Google Chrome
Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar. Select "Settings". Click "Show advanced settings." In the "Privacy" section, click the "Content Settings" button. In the "Cookies" section, select "Do not allow sites to store data" and check "Block cookies and third-party site data", and then click "OK". uses numerous service providers who can in turn install cookies for the correct functioning of the services they provide. For information relating to these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please read the information below:

Third-party statistical and audience measurement cookies
These third-party cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information on how visitors navigate the site.

  • Google Analytics

Cookies in social media sharing
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some features of the main social media. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google connect, sharing and commenting on site pages on social media, enabling the "like" functionality on Facebook, the "+1" on G+ and the Tweet on Twitter.

  • Facebook

  • Google+

  • Twitter


The Data Controller scrupulously respects the privacy of all users who access the website or the services connected to it (which we will later refer to as a whole as the "Platform"), from any PC, application, mobile device, platform or other means of access or use. In this policy we want to describe to you in a transparent, detailed and exhaustive way how we collect, share, use and protect your personal information. By using the Platform and its services you are aware that we will use your personal data as described in the information.



The reference regulatory bases on which this information is based is the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free circulation of personal data, in particular art. 13 of the Regulation and the Legislative Decree of 10 August 2018, n. 101.



This information does not refer to and does not regulate the services offered by third parties (possibly accessible via links on the Platform) and related methods of processing your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies on the websites of third parties on how they will process your personal data and how they will possibly be shared. The owner has no control over these third parties and therefore declines any responsibility regarding the processing of your personal data carried out by these sites.



We will modify the information with additions or variations to make it updated with respect to the legislation and adequate with respect to any technical changes made to the Platform or to any changes in the purposes or methods of processing your data. We will inform you of any changes with specific notices. However, we recommend that you periodically check this page to stay updated. Each updated version, which will be accompanied by its date, will be published on this web page and will become effective towards you immediately after its publication.



The data controller of your personal data through the Platform is the company ( srl) with registered office in Rome (RM), at VIA GUERRIERI, 7 – 72100 VAT number and C.F. 16225951009, e-Mail:



When you use the Platform we will collect your personal data only if you send it to us directly or through automatic systems that allow the regular functioning of the Platform. Some personal data is mandatory for us to identify you, others are optional but may be necessary to use some of the Platform's services.

In particular, we may collect your personal data from these categories:


These are the data that you provide us freely and optionally, for example when you send us an email to our email address indicated on the Platform or fill out our contact form. In these cases we will acquire your personal data necessary to respond to you, in addition to any data you sent us in your communication. We will not disseminate or communicate this data to third parties, and we will not use it to define your profile or personality. We will ultimately keep them only as correspondence. Your personal data that you can provide us voluntarily are:

 ● identification data such as name, surname, e-mail - necessary during the registration phase on the Platform (or subsequently, where required for the execution of specific services);

 ● data relating to the ways in which you use the Platform;

 ● further information that you will send us via the forms on the Platform;

 ● the information you provide us when registering for the newsletter, as well as navigation information, including the so-called technical and/or profiling cookies, etc.;

 ● information relating to your navigation within the Platform.

The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation) or, depending on the case, the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (art. 6.1-c of the Regulation) .

However, data relating to your payments will not be stored, which will be managed by the Stripe company. To understand how Stripe manages your data, visit the web page at this link.



Some of the Platform's services are reserved only for users who complete the registration procedure. To complete the registration procedure we need some of your personal data, specifically indicated during the registration procedure. You must also provide us, where requested, with a username and password that identifies you. Any other personal data requested during the registration procedure, and not indicated as mandatory, is optional and entirely left to your will.



We will use some of the data you communicate to us to use the services accessible with your credentials to perform the following activities:

invoice any paid services and/or product purchases that you request from us;

for any purpose strictly connected to the execution of the services we offer you on the Platform. If you do not provide us with this data, we will not be able to allow you to use some or all of the services we offer on our Platform.

We will also use your data - exclusively if you provide us with specific consent (art. 6.1-a of the Regulation) as resulting from the tick of the item "I consent to processing for marketing purposes" - to send you updates on our activities, in particular on our new services /products, on our special offers, on surveys and/or opinions and on other types of communications relating to our services and for the preparation of statistical and commercial research studies.

Your consent to this processing of your data is optional (and freely modifiable even if you have consented, via a simple request to the email address or a different method indicated by the Data Controller, without any further formality) and your possible refusal will not will make it impossible to use the Platform's services.



The telematic and information systems that allow the Platform to function automatically acquire, during their normal operation, some of your personal data relating to navigation.

 In particular, while browsing the Platform we collect:

 ● your IP address;

 ● the number of your accesses;

 ● the duration of your browsing;

 ● the name of your browser;

 ● the pages you have viewed;

 ● the date and time you logged in;

 ● additional parameters relating to the operating system you used to connect.

The legal basis for these treatments is the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (art. 6.1-f of the Regulation).



We collect your browsing data only to obtain anonymous statistical information on how you use our Platform and to check that it works correctly. However, by their very nature, these data could allow us to trace your identity, also through processing and association with other data held by third parties.



Your browsing data are in no case used for marketing purposes, to define your profile or personality, to send you advertising material, to carry out market research or commercial communications - and we will only retain them temporarily.



Our newsletter service is reserved for users who register. To provide and manage this service, we use the services and tools provided by the website called 'HubSpot'. For more information on how this third party will process your personal data we recommend that you carefully consult their privacy policy by clicking on this link. If you do not provide us with the data necessary for registration, we will not be able to provide you with the newsletter service. The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation).



We will use your personal data to provide you with the services you request and to personalize and continuously improve your user experience of using our Platform. If you have not reached the age of 18 (eighteen), or you do not have the capacity to act, this information is addressed to the person responsible for this purpose by current Italian law, who remains the only person authorized to provide us consent to the processing of your personal data. The processing of your personal data that you have communicated to us will be carried out by us, with or without the aid of electronic tools, according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in order to protect your privacy and your rights at all times in compliance with as required by current legislation. Such data will not, however, be disclosed or communicated in any way to external parties, without prejudice to the obligations established by current laws.



Unless otherwise specified in relation to the individual purposes of the processing as specified above, your personal data may be communicated to - or in any case become known to - authorized subjects and/or external data processors, in relation to the skills and functions of each, in order to satisfy the purposes or to implement specific regulatory and/or contractual obligations. The personal data that you have communicated to us are not generally communicated to other subjects, unless this is necessary for regulatory or contractual provisions or to fulfill specific obligations.

In these cases, we may need to communicate your personal data to some of these entities:

consultants or collaborators, internal and/or external, for compliance with current legislation and/or for the execution of contractual services in relations with the individual interested parties (for example employment consultants, legal consultants, accountants, tax consultants, auditors, etc.) – after signing a specific appointment as authorized/external manager of the processing of personal data or equivalent NDA/Confidentiality Agreement;

judicial authority or other public authorities, in compliance with the purposes of the processing of your data or for legal obligations.



Your personal data is stored within the European Economic Area (also referred to as 'AEE'), and specifically is stored on servers by We also reserve the right to transfer your personal data to countries that guarantee us an adequate level of security, on the basis of the adequacy decisions of the European Commission or on the basis of the adequate guarantees provided for by current legislation.



We use particularly advanced encryption technologies and periodic backups to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your data.



We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce concluded agreements. Your personal data will therefore be retained, as required by law, for a period of time no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we are processing them, in particular:

● in relation to the management of the existing contractual relationship, the data will be retained for the times defined by the relevant legislation as well as, upon termination of the relationship, for the ten-year period for the retention of civil data only;

● in relation to the management of personal data that you may have communicated to us when you registered for our services accessible via credentials and/or the newsletter service for as long as this registration remains active;

● in relation to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, and only if you have provided us with specific consent (optional), we will retain the data collected for the time strictly necessary for the management of the purposes indicated above according to the criteria based on compliance with current regulations and correctness and the balance between our legitimate interest and your rights and freedoms. In the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, and in the absence of your new explicit consent which you will have to express to us as the following deadlines approach, we will use your data for marketing purposes for a maximum of 24 months and we will subsequently delete them.


In any case we will take every care to avoid using your data for an indefinite period, proceeding periodically to appropriately verify your actual interest in granting us the possibility of processing the data for marketing purposes - activities that we will carry out through contact methods automated, like eMail.



As an interested party in the processing of your personal data you have the right to ask us:

● confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain access (right of access);

● the rectification of your inaccurate personal data, or the integration of your incomplete personal data (right of rectification);

● the deletion of your data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (right to be forgotten);

● the limitation of the processing of your data when one of the hypotheses provided for by the Regulation occurs (right of limitation);

● to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit, where technically possible, such data to another data controller (right to portability);

● the right to revoke consent to the processing of your data, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation and to object at any time to the processing for marketing purposes or other additional purposes (right to object );

● the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

● the right to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.



We inform you that you also have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or which similarly significantly affects you, unless such automated activity is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Data Controller, is authorized by Union or Member State law to which we are subject as Data Controllers (which also specifies adequate measures to protect your rights, your freedoms and your legitimate interests) - or finally that is based on your explicit consent.



You can exercise the above-mentioned rights at any time by sending a simple request to this email address We will contact or inform you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of your request.



If you believe that the legislation on personal data protection has been violated with regards to the processing of your data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the local Data Protection Authority within the European Economic Area ('AEE'). You can find the references of the individual Authorities, depending on the country you are in.


This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the user's browsing experience, allow you to use our services and display advertising in line with your preferences.

If you continue browsing you consent to the use of cookies. At any time it is possible to disable the cookies present on the browser; We remind you that this option may limit some of the site's navigation features.

Instructions for disabling cookies for the various browsers

If you use Internet Explorer
Click "Tools" => "Internet Options". In the Privacy tab, move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies; finally click "OK".

If you use Firefox
Access the "Tools" menu of your browser and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" tab, uncheck the "Accept cookies" box and click "OK".

If you use Safari
Select the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences". Click on "Privacy". Uncheck the "Accept cookies from all sites" item.

If you use Google Chrome
Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar. Select "Settings". Click "Show advanced settings." In the "Privacy" section, click the "Content Settings" button. In the "Cookies" section, select "Do not allow sites to store data" and check "Block cookies and third-party site data", and then click "OK". uses numerous service providers who can in turn install cookies for the correct functioning of the services they provide. For information relating to these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please read the information below:

Third-party statistical and audience measurement cookies
These third-party cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information on how visitors navigate the site.

  • Google Analytics

Cookies in social media sharing
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some features of the main social media. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google connect, sharing and commenting on site pages on social media, enabling the "like" functionality on Facebook, the "+1" on G+ and the Tweet on Twitter.

  • Facebook

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The Data Controller scrupulously respects the privacy of all users who access the website or the services connected to it (which we will later refer to as a whole as the "Platform"), from any PC, application, mobile device, platform or other means of access or use. In this policy we want to describe to you in a transparent, detailed and exhaustive way how we collect, share, use and protect your personal information. By using the Platform and its services you are aware that we will use your personal data as described in the information.



The reference regulatory bases on which this information is based is the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free circulation of personal data, in particular art. 13 of the Regulation and the Legislative Decree of 10 August 2018, n. 101.



This information does not refer to and does not regulate the services offered by third parties (possibly accessible via links on the Platform) and related methods of processing your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies on the websites of third parties on how they will process your personal data and how they will possibly be shared. The owner has no control over these third parties and therefore declines any responsibility regarding the processing of your personal data carried out by these sites.



We will modify the information with additions or variations to make it updated with respect to the legislation and adequate with respect to any technical changes made to the Platform or to any changes in the purposes or methods of processing your data. We will inform you of any changes with specific notices. However, we recommend that you periodically check this page to stay updated. Each updated version, which will be accompanied by its date, will be published on this web page and will become effective towards you immediately after its publication.



The data controller of your personal data through the Platform is the company ( srl) with registered office in Rome (RM), at VIA GUERRIERI, 7 – 72100 VAT number and C.F. 16225951009, e-Mail:



When you use the Platform we will collect your personal data only if you send it to us directly or through automatic systems that allow the regular functioning of the Platform. Some personal data is mandatory for us to identify you, others are optional but may be necessary to use some of the Platform's services.

In particular, we may collect your personal data from these categories:


These are the data that you provide us freely and optionally, for example when you send us an email to our email address indicated on the Platform or fill out our contact form. In these cases we will acquire your personal data necessary to respond to you, in addition to any data you sent us in your communication. We will not disseminate or communicate this data to third parties, and we will not use it to define your profile or personality. We will ultimately keep them only as correspondence. Your personal data that you can provide us voluntarily are:

 ● identification data such as name, surname, e-mail - necessary during the registration phase on the Platform (or subsequently, where required for the execution of specific services);

 ● data relating to the ways in which you use the Platform;

 ● further information that you will send us via the forms on the Platform;

 ● the information you provide us when registering for the newsletter, as well as navigation information, including the so-called technical and/or profiling cookies, etc.;

 ● information relating to your navigation within the Platform.

The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation) or, depending on the case, the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (art. 6.1-c of the Regulation) .

However, data relating to your payments will not be stored, which will be managed by the Stripe company. To understand how Stripe manages your data, visit the web page at this link.



Some of the Platform's services are reserved only for users who complete the registration procedure. To complete the registration procedure we need some of your personal data, specifically indicated during the registration procedure. You must also provide us, where requested, with a username and password that identifies you. Any other personal data requested during the registration procedure, and not indicated as mandatory, is optional and entirely left to your will.



We will use some of the data you communicate to us to use the services accessible with your credentials to perform the following activities:

invoice any paid services and/or product purchases that you request from us;

for any purpose strictly connected to the execution of the services we offer you on the Platform. If you do not provide us with this data, we will not be able to allow you to use some or all of the services we offer on our Platform.

We will also use your data - exclusively if you provide us with specific consent (art. 6.1-a of the Regulation) as resulting from the tick of the item "I consent to processing for marketing purposes" - to send you updates on our activities, in particular on our new services /products, on our special offers, on surveys and/or opinions and on other types of communications relating to our services and for the preparation of statistical and commercial research studies.

Your consent to this processing of your data is optional (and freely modifiable even if you have consented, via a simple request to the email address or a different method indicated by the Data Controller, without any further formality) and your possible refusal will not will make it impossible to use the Platform's services.



The telematic and information systems that allow the Platform to function automatically acquire, during their normal operation, some of your personal data relating to navigation.

 In particular, while browsing the Platform we collect:

 ● your IP address;

 ● the number of your accesses;

 ● the duration of your browsing;

 ● the name of your browser;

 ● the pages you have viewed;

 ● the date and time you logged in;

 ● additional parameters relating to the operating system you used to connect.

The legal basis for these treatments is the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (art. 6.1-f of the Regulation).



We collect your browsing data only to obtain anonymous statistical information on how you use our Platform and to check that it works correctly. However, by their very nature, these data could allow us to trace your identity, also through processing and association with other data held by third parties.



Your browsing data are in no case used for marketing purposes, to define your profile or personality, to send you advertising material, to carry out market research or commercial communications - and we will only retain them temporarily.



Our newsletter service is reserved for users who register. To provide and manage this service, we use the services and tools provided by the website called 'HubSpot'. For more information on how this third party will process your personal data we recommend that you carefully consult their privacy policy by clicking on this link. If you do not provide us with the data necessary for registration, we will not be able to provide you with the newsletter service. The legal basis for these treatments is the fulfillment of the contract (art. 6.1-b of the Regulation).



We will use your personal data to provide you with the services you request and to personalize and continuously improve your user experience of using our Platform. If you have not reached the age of 18 (eighteen), or you do not have the capacity to act, this information is addressed to the person responsible for this purpose by current Italian law, who remains the only person authorized to provide us consent to the processing of your personal data. The processing of your personal data that you have communicated to us will be carried out by us, with or without the aid of electronic tools, according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in order to protect your privacy and your rights at all times in compliance with as required by current legislation. Such data will not, however, be disclosed or communicated in any way to external parties, without prejudice to the obligations established by current laws.



Unless otherwise specified in relation to the individual purposes of the processing as specified above, your personal data may be communicated to - or in any case become known to - authorized subjects and/or external data processors, in relation to the skills and functions of each, in order to satisfy the purposes or to implement specific regulatory and/or contractual obligations. The personal data that you have communicated to us are not generally communicated to other subjects, unless this is necessary for regulatory or contractual provisions or to fulfill specific obligations.

In these cases, we may need to communicate your personal data to some of these entities:

consultants or collaborators, internal and/or external, for compliance with current legislation and/or for the execution of contractual services in relations with the individual interested parties (for example employment consultants, legal consultants, accountants, tax consultants, auditors, etc.) – after signing a specific appointment as authorized/external manager of the processing of personal data or equivalent NDA/Confidentiality Agreement;

judicial authority or other public authorities, in compliance with the purposes of the processing of your data or for legal obligations.



Your personal data is stored within the European Economic Area (also referred to as 'AEE'), and specifically is stored on servers by We also reserve the right to transfer your personal data to countries that guarantee us an adequate level of security, on the basis of the adequacy decisions of the European Commission or on the basis of the adequate guarantees provided for by current legislation.



We use particularly advanced encryption technologies and periodic backups to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your data.



We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce concluded agreements. Your personal data will therefore be retained, as required by law, for a period of time no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we are processing them, in particular:

● in relation to the management of the existing contractual relationship, the data will be retained for the times defined by the relevant legislation as well as, upon termination of the relationship, for the ten-year period for the retention of civil data only;

● in relation to the management of personal data that you may have communicated to us when you registered for our services accessible via credentials and/or the newsletter service for as long as this registration remains active;

● in relation to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, and only if you have provided us with specific consent (optional), we will retain the data collected for the time strictly necessary for the management of the purposes indicated above according to the criteria based on compliance with current regulations and correctness and the balance between our legitimate interest and your rights and freedoms. In the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, and in the absence of your new explicit consent which you will have to express to us as the following deadlines approach, we will use your data for marketing purposes for a maximum of 24 months and we will subsequently delete them.


In any case we will take every care to avoid using your data for an indefinite period, proceeding periodically to appropriately verify your actual interest in granting us the possibility of processing the data for marketing purposes - activities that we will carry out through contact methods automated, like eMail.



As an interested party in the processing of your personal data you have the right to ask us:

● confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain access (right of access);

● the rectification of your inaccurate personal data, or the integration of your incomplete personal data (right of rectification);

● the deletion of your data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (right to be forgotten);

● the limitation of the processing of your data when one of the hypotheses provided for by the Regulation occurs (right of limitation);

● to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit, where technically possible, such data to another data controller (right to portability);

● the right to revoke consent to the processing of your data, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation and to object at any time to the processing for marketing purposes or other additional purposes (right to object );

● the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

● the right to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.



We inform you that you also have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or which similarly significantly affects you, unless such automated activity is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Data Controller, is authorized by Union or Member State law to which we are subject as Data Controllers (which also specifies adequate measures to protect your rights, your freedoms and your legitimate interests) - or finally that is based on your explicit consent.



You can exercise the above-mentioned rights at any time by sending a simple request to this email address We will contact or inform you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of your request.



If you believe that the legislation on personal data protection has been violated with regards to the processing of your data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the local Data Protection Authority within the European Economic Area ('AEE'). You can find the references of the individual Authorities, depending on the country you are in.


This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the user's browsing experience, allow you to use our services and display advertising in line with your preferences.

If you continue browsing you consent to the use of cookies. At any time it is possible to disable the cookies present on the browser; We remind you that this option may limit some of the site's navigation features.

Instructions for disabling cookies for the various browsers

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Click "Tools" => "Internet Options". In the Privacy tab, move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies; finally click "OK".

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Access the "Tools" menu of your browser and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" tab, uncheck the "Accept cookies" box and click "OK".

If you use Safari
Select the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences". Click on "Privacy". Uncheck the "Accept cookies from all sites" item.

If you use Google Chrome
Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar. Select "Settings". Click "Show advanced settings." In the "Privacy" section, click the "Content Settings" button. In the "Cookies" section, select "Do not allow sites to store data" and check "Block cookies and third-party site data", and then click "OK". uses numerous service providers who can in turn install cookies for the correct functioning of the services they provide. For information relating to these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please read the information below:

Third-party statistical and audience measurement cookies
These third-party cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information on how visitors navigate the site.

  • Google Analytics

Cookies in social media sharing
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some features of the main social media. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on the site via Facebook and Google connect, sharing and commenting on site pages on social media, enabling the "like" functionality on Facebook, the "+1" on G+ and the Tweet on Twitter.

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