ETL Data Management

ETL data management made easy: Connecteed as a cost-effective ETL tool

L'ETL Data Management, acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, represents a crucial aspect of data management for many organizations.

This complex process involves extracting data from multiple sources, transforming it into a compatible format, and uploading it to a centralized system.

Effective ETL management can mean the difference between access to high-quality data for business analytics and the constant recurrence of problems due to inconsistent or incomplete data.

In this article, we will explore the world of ETL Data Management and analyze how Connecteed, an application designed specifically for managing product feeds, can prove to be an accessible option for all ETL tasks.

Through in-depth explanations and realistic examples, we'll discover how Connecteed simplifies every aspect of managing ETL data flows.

Introduction to ETL Data Management

Before diving into the details of Connecteed, it is essential to understand the concept of ETL Data Management and what it means for modern businesses. ETL represents a series of intricate processes aimed at ensuring that business data is accessible, consistent and ready for analysis.


In the phase of Extraction, data is acquired from a wide range of sources, which can include databases, log files, web applications and much more. This is often the initial and crucial phase, as the quality of the initial data affects the entire subsequent process.

Connected example: Suppose we have an e-commerce company that wants to extract sales data from different online platforms, such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Connecteed allows you to recover this data in all the most common formats starting from the aforementioned sources, centrally acquiring the necessary information without unnecessary complications.

Transformation (Transform)

The phase of Transformation involves applying a series of rules and transformations to the extracted data. This can include data cleansing, format standardization, deduplication and much more. The goal is to create consistent, analysis-ready data.

Connected example: Suppose we have extracted product data from different sources and now we want to standardize product description formats and remove duplicates. With Connecteed, we can create custom transformation rules to achieve these goals.


In the phase of Loading, the transformed data is loaded into a centralized system, such as a Data Warehouse, ready for analysis and report generation. This phase closes the loop and makes the data accessible to business users.

Connected example: After extracting and transforming sales data from various online channels, we want to load it into a Data Warehouse to analyze sales trends. Connecteed allows you to automatically schedule the periodic loading of this data into the Data Warehouse.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the ETL Data Management process, let's look at how Connecteed fits into this context and simplifies each step.

Connecteed per l'ETL Data Management

Connecteed is a versatile application originally designed for managing product feeds and e-commerce data. However, its flexibility and power make it suitable for carrying out many of the tasks involved in ETL Data Management. Let's see how Connecteed facilitates each step of the ETL process.

Centralized management of data feeds

One of the first advantages of Connecteed in the ETL space is its ability to offer a centralized management of all data feeds. This means that it is not necessary to use a series of different tools for the various steps of the import and export activities. With Connecteed, all of these operations can be performed in a single platform, significantly simplifying data management.

Connected example: Imagine that you need to manage inventory data from different branches and want to consolidate all this data into a single system. Connecteed allows you to connect to all data sources and centralize extraction into a single workflow.

Integration of data from different sources

Another key point in ETL is the acquisition of data feeds from different sources. This is often a complex task, as the data can come from heterogeneous sources and in different formats. Connecteed offers an elegant solution to this problem, enabling the integration of data from multiple channels with a significant reduction in feed aggregation and error times.

Connected example: Suppose you need to aggregate sales data from an ERP system, a SQL database, and a cloud application. Connecteed simplifies this integration by allowing you to easily configure connections and unify data into a single view.

Database customization

Every ETL project has unique needs when it comes to data structure. Connecteed recognizes this diversity and enables creation of a custom database for each project. This customization is fundamental, as it allows you to adapt the database to the specific needs of the business, replicating templates with the exact characteristics required by your e-commerce or marketplaces.

Connected example: An online fashion company might have very different requirements than an electronics retailer. Connecteed allows you to create database schemas tailored to each of these industries, with specific fields and attributes.

Data aggregation

An important aspect of ETL is the unification of two or more feeds into a single price list. This is often necessary when you want to analyze data from different sources as a single set. Connecteed offers the possibility of aggregating multiple price lists by identifying a unique primary key common to all data sets, significantly simplifying this process.

Connected example: Suppose you have sales data from different regions and you want to analyze them together. Connecteed allows you to unify them based on a common key, such as the product key.

Data normalization and uniformity

The data normalization and uniformity are critical in ETL to ensure data consistency and accuracy across all sales channels. Connecteed is committed to ensuring that data is consistent and ready for analysis, maximizing its quality.

Connected example: In an ETL application, you may need to convert all currencies into a single reference currency for financial analysis. Connecteed allows you to apply normalization rules to obtain uniform data.

Data modification based on xonconditional rules

ETL often involves the modifying data based on conditional rules. This means that data can be customized in response to specific parameter changes. Connecteed offers great flexibility in defining these rules, allowing for advanced data customization.

Connected example: Imagine having to automatically update product prices based on stock availability. Connecteed allows you to define rules so that prices are adjusted in real time.

Converting output formats

Often, the data must be converted from one input format to a different output format. Connecteed simplifies this operation, ensuring that the data is always compatible across different sales channels.

Connected example: Suppose you need to distribute data to customers via CSV files, but you are used to working with data in JSON format. Connecteed allows you to automatically convert data into the required format.

Schedule programming and update frequency

In data management, regular updating is essential. Connecteed offers the possibility of schedule feed update times and frequency, ensuring that data is always up to date and synchronized with supplier information.

Connected example: Suppose you need to update your inventory data every night to reflect new deliveries. Connecteed allows you to schedule automatic updating for night time.

Reception of automatic alerts

Secure data management is a priority for any business. Connecteed offers a functionality of receiving automatic alerts which allows you to securely manage data flows. These alerts can identify problems early and allow errors in the flow to be corrected.

Connected example: Imagine receiving an alert when a vendor changes the data format. Connecteed can alert you immediately so you can quickly adapt your transformation rules.

Ready to test a simple and innovative tool for ETL data management?

Activate your Connecteed trial now

In a world where access to high-quality data is crucial to business success, ETL Data Management plays a vital role.

Connecteed, despite being born as an advanced tool for managing product feeds, stands out as a practical and efficient solution also for the simplification of all the phases involved in the management of an ETL data flow.

Its ability to centrally manage data feeds, integrate data from different sources, customize databases, aggregate information, ensure normalization and uniformity, apply advanced transformation rules, convert output formats, schedule updates and receive automatic notifications and alerts makes it make it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking for a reliable ETL solution.

Connecteed adapts to the needs of small, medium and large businesses, offering a clear and intuitive interface, exhaustive tutorials and a support service in Italian. Plus, its affordable costs and scalable pricing make it accessible to a wide range of businesses.

If you need a complete and reliable ETL Data Management solution, Connecteed is definitely an application to consider. For more information or to test all its features, we invite you to activate yours free trial Connecteed.

Let Connecteed simplify your ETL process and help you get high-quality data to make informed decisions and drive your business success.

L'ETL Data Management, acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, represents a crucial aspect of data management for many organizations.

This complex process involves extracting data from multiple sources, transforming it into a compatible format, and uploading it to a centralized system.

Effective ETL management can mean the difference between access to high-quality data for business analytics and the constant recurrence of problems due to inconsistent or incomplete data.

In this article, we will explore the world of ETL Data Management and analyze how Connecteed, an application designed specifically for managing product feeds, can prove to be an accessible option for all ETL tasks.

Through in-depth explanations and realistic examples, we'll discover how Connecteed simplifies every aspect of managing ETL data flows.

Introduction to ETL Data Management

Before diving into the details of Connecteed, it is essential to understand the concept of ETL Data Management and what it means for modern businesses. ETL represents a series of intricate processes aimed at ensuring that business data is accessible, consistent and ready for analysis.


In the phase of Extraction, data is acquired from a wide range of sources, which can include databases, log files, web applications and much more. This is often the initial and crucial phase, as the quality of the initial data affects the entire subsequent process.

Connected example: Suppose we have an e-commerce company that wants to extract sales data from different online platforms, such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Connecteed allows you to recover this data in all the most common formats starting from the aforementioned sources, centrally acquiring the necessary information without unnecessary complications.

Transformation (Transform)

The phase of Transformation involves applying a series of rules and transformations to the extracted data. This can include data cleansing, format standardization, deduplication and much more. The goal is to create consistent, analysis-ready data.

Connected example: Suppose we have extracted product data from different sources and now we want to standardize product description formats and remove duplicates. With Connecteed, we can create custom transformation rules to achieve these goals.


In the phase of Loading, the transformed data is loaded into a centralized system, such as a Data Warehouse, ready for analysis and report generation. This phase closes the loop and makes the data accessible to business users.

Connected example: After extracting and transforming sales data from various online channels, we want to load it into a Data Warehouse to analyze sales trends. Connecteed allows you to automatically schedule the periodic loading of this data into the Data Warehouse.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the ETL Data Management process, let's look at how Connecteed fits into this context and simplifies each step.

Connecteed per l'ETL Data Management

Connecteed is a versatile application originally designed for managing product feeds and e-commerce data. However, its flexibility and power make it suitable for carrying out many of the tasks involved in ETL Data Management. Let's see how Connecteed facilitates each step of the ETL process.

Centralized management of data feeds

One of the first advantages of Connecteed in the ETL space is its ability to offer a centralized management of all data feeds. This means that it is not necessary to use a series of different tools for the various steps of the import and export activities. With Connecteed, all of these operations can be performed in a single platform, significantly simplifying data management.

Connected example: Imagine that you need to manage inventory data from different branches and want to consolidate all this data into a single system. Connecteed allows you to connect to all data sources and centralize extraction into a single workflow.

Integration of data from different sources

Another key point in ETL is the acquisition of data feeds from different sources. This is often a complex task, as the data can come from heterogeneous sources and in different formats. Connecteed offers an elegant solution to this problem, enabling the integration of data from multiple channels with a significant reduction in feed aggregation and error times.

Connected example: Suppose you need to aggregate sales data from an ERP system, a SQL database, and a cloud application. Connecteed simplifies this integration by allowing you to easily configure connections and unify data into a single view.

Database customization

Every ETL project has unique needs when it comes to data structure. Connecteed recognizes this diversity and enables creation of a custom database for each project. This customization is fundamental, as it allows you to adapt the database to the specific needs of the business, replicating templates with the exact characteristics required by your e-commerce or marketplaces.

Connected example: An online fashion company might have very different requirements than an electronics retailer. Connecteed allows you to create database schemas tailored to each of these industries, with specific fields and attributes.

Data aggregation

An important aspect of ETL is the unification of two or more feeds into a single price list. This is often necessary when you want to analyze data from different sources as a single set. Connecteed offers the possibility of aggregating multiple price lists by identifying a unique primary key common to all data sets, significantly simplifying this process.

Connected example: Suppose you have sales data from different regions and you want to analyze them together. Connecteed allows you to unify them based on a common key, such as the product key.

Data normalization and uniformity

The data normalization and uniformity are critical in ETL to ensure data consistency and accuracy across all sales channels. Connecteed is committed to ensuring that data is consistent and ready for analysis, maximizing its quality.

Connected example: In an ETL application, you may need to convert all currencies into a single reference currency for financial analysis. Connecteed allows you to apply normalization rules to obtain uniform data.

Data modification based on xonconditional rules

ETL often involves the modifying data based on conditional rules. This means that data can be customized in response to specific parameter changes. Connecteed offers great flexibility in defining these rules, allowing for advanced data customization.

Connected example: Imagine having to automatically update product prices based on stock availability. Connecteed allows you to define rules so that prices are adjusted in real time.

Converting output formats

Often, the data must be converted from one input format to a different output format. Connecteed simplifies this operation, ensuring that the data is always compatible across different sales channels.

Connected example: Suppose you need to distribute data to customers via CSV files, but you are used to working with data in JSON format. Connecteed allows you to automatically convert data into the required format.

Schedule programming and update frequency

In data management, regular updating is essential. Connecteed offers the possibility of schedule feed update times and frequency, ensuring that data is always up to date and synchronized with supplier information.

Connected example: Suppose you need to update your inventory data every night to reflect new deliveries. Connecteed allows you to schedule automatic updating for night time.

Reception of automatic alerts

Secure data management is a priority for any business. Connecteed offers a functionality of receiving automatic alerts which allows you to securely manage data flows. These alerts can identify problems early and allow errors in the flow to be corrected.

Connected example: Imagine receiving an alert when a vendor changes the data format. Connecteed can alert you immediately so you can quickly adapt your transformation rules.

Ready to test a simple and innovative tool for ETL data management?

Activate your Connecteed trial now

In a world where access to high-quality data is crucial to business success, ETL Data Management plays a vital role.

Connecteed, despite being born as an advanced tool for managing product feeds, stands out as a practical and efficient solution also for the simplification of all the phases involved in the management of an ETL data flow.

Its ability to centrally manage data feeds, integrate data from different sources, customize databases, aggregate information, ensure normalization and uniformity, apply advanced transformation rules, convert output formats, schedule updates and receive automatic notifications and alerts makes it make it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking for a reliable ETL solution.

Connecteed adapts to the needs of small, medium and large businesses, offering a clear and intuitive interface, exhaustive tutorials and a support service in Italian. Plus, its affordable costs and scalable pricing make it accessible to a wide range of businesses.

If you need a complete and reliable ETL Data Management solution, Connecteed is definitely an application to consider. For more information or to test all its features, we invite you to activate yours free trial Connecteed.

Let Connecteed simplify your ETL process and help you get high-quality data to make informed decisions and drive your business success.

L'ETL Data Management, acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, represents a crucial aspect of data management for many organizations.

This complex process involves extracting data from multiple sources, transforming it into a compatible format, and uploading it to a centralized system.

Effective ETL management can mean the difference between access to high-quality data for business analytics and the constant recurrence of problems due to inconsistent or incomplete data.

In this article, we will explore the world of ETL Data Management and analyze how Connecteed, an application designed specifically for managing product feeds, can prove to be an accessible option for all ETL tasks.

Through in-depth explanations and realistic examples, we'll discover how Connecteed simplifies every aspect of managing ETL data flows.

Introduction to ETL Data Management

Before diving into the details of Connecteed, it is essential to understand the concept of ETL Data Management and what it means for modern businesses. ETL represents a series of intricate processes aimed at ensuring that business data is accessible, consistent and ready for analysis.


In the phase of Extraction, data is acquired from a wide range of sources, which can include databases, log files, web applications and much more. This is often the initial and crucial phase, as the quality of the initial data affects the entire subsequent process.

Connected example: Suppose we have an e-commerce company that wants to extract sales data from different online platforms, such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Connecteed allows you to recover this data in all the most common formats starting from the aforementioned sources, centrally acquiring the necessary information without unnecessary complications.

Transformation (Transform)

The phase of Transformation involves applying a series of rules and transformations to the extracted data. This can include data cleansing, format standardization, deduplication and much more. The goal is to create consistent, analysis-ready data.

Connected example: Suppose we have extracted product data from different sources and now we want to standardize product description formats and remove duplicates. With Connecteed, we can create custom transformation rules to achieve these goals.


In the phase of Loading, the transformed data is loaded into a centralized system, such as a Data Warehouse, ready for analysis and report generation. This phase closes the loop and makes the data accessible to business users.

Connected example: After extracting and transforming sales data from various online channels, we want to load it into a Data Warehouse to analyze sales trends. Connecteed allows you to automatically schedule the periodic loading of this data into the Data Warehouse.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the ETL Data Management process, let's look at how Connecteed fits into this context and simplifies each step.

Connecteed per l'ETL Data Management

Connecteed is a versatile application originally designed for managing product feeds and e-commerce data. However, its flexibility and power make it suitable for carrying out many of the tasks involved in ETL Data Management. Let's see how Connecteed facilitates each step of the ETL process.

Centralized management of data feeds

One of the first advantages of Connecteed in the ETL space is its ability to offer a centralized management of all data feeds. This means that it is not necessary to use a series of different tools for the various steps of the import and export activities. With Connecteed, all of these operations can be performed in a single platform, significantly simplifying data management.

Connected example: Imagine that you need to manage inventory data from different branches and want to consolidate all this data into a single system. Connecteed allows you to connect to all data sources and centralize extraction into a single workflow.

Integration of data from different sources

Another key point in ETL is the acquisition of data feeds from different sources. This is often a complex task, as the data can come from heterogeneous sources and in different formats. Connecteed offers an elegant solution to this problem, enabling the integration of data from multiple channels with a significant reduction in feed aggregation and error times.

Connected example: Suppose you need to aggregate sales data from an ERP system, a SQL database, and a cloud application. Connecteed simplifies this integration by allowing you to easily configure connections and unify data into a single view.

Database customization

Every ETL project has unique needs when it comes to data structure. Connecteed recognizes this diversity and enables creation of a custom database for each project. This customization is fundamental, as it allows you to adapt the database to the specific needs of the business, replicating templates with the exact characteristics required by your e-commerce or marketplaces.

Connected example: An online fashion company might have very different requirements than an electronics retailer. Connecteed allows you to create database schemas tailored to each of these industries, with specific fields and attributes.

Data aggregation

An important aspect of ETL is the unification of two or more feeds into a single price list. This is often necessary when you want to analyze data from different sources as a single set. Connecteed offers the possibility of aggregating multiple price lists by identifying a unique primary key common to all data sets, significantly simplifying this process.

Connected example: Suppose you have sales data from different regions and you want to analyze them together. Connecteed allows you to unify them based on a common key, such as the product key.

Data normalization and uniformity

The data normalization and uniformity are critical in ETL to ensure data consistency and accuracy across all sales channels. Connecteed is committed to ensuring that data is consistent and ready for analysis, maximizing its quality.

Connected example: In an ETL application, you may need to convert all currencies into a single reference currency for financial analysis. Connecteed allows you to apply normalization rules to obtain uniform data.

Data modification based on xonconditional rules

ETL often involves the modifying data based on conditional rules. This means that data can be customized in response to specific parameter changes. Connecteed offers great flexibility in defining these rules, allowing for advanced data customization.

Connected example: Imagine having to automatically update product prices based on stock availability. Connecteed allows you to define rules so that prices are adjusted in real time.

Converting output formats

Often, the data must be converted from one input format to a different output format. Connecteed simplifies this operation, ensuring that the data is always compatible across different sales channels.

Connected example: Suppose you need to distribute data to customers via CSV files, but you are used to working with data in JSON format. Connecteed allows you to automatically convert data into the required format.

Schedule programming and update frequency

In data management, regular updating is essential. Connecteed offers the possibility of schedule feed update times and frequency, ensuring that data is always up to date and synchronized with supplier information.

Connected example: Suppose you need to update your inventory data every night to reflect new deliveries. Connecteed allows you to schedule automatic updating for night time.

Reception of automatic alerts

Secure data management is a priority for any business. Connecteed offers a functionality of receiving automatic alerts which allows you to securely manage data flows. These alerts can identify problems early and allow errors in the flow to be corrected.

Connected example: Imagine receiving an alert when a vendor changes the data format. Connecteed can alert you immediately so you can quickly adapt your transformation rules.

Ready to test a simple and innovative tool for ETL data management?

Activate your Connecteed trial now

In a world where access to high-quality data is crucial to business success, ETL Data Management plays a vital role.

Connecteed, despite being born as an advanced tool for managing product feeds, stands out as a practical and efficient solution also for the simplification of all the phases involved in the management of an ETL data flow.

Its ability to centrally manage data feeds, integrate data from different sources, customize databases, aggregate information, ensure normalization and uniformity, apply advanced transformation rules, convert output formats, schedule updates and receive automatic notifications and alerts makes it make it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking for a reliable ETL solution.

Connecteed adapts to the needs of small, medium and large businesses, offering a clear and intuitive interface, exhaustive tutorials and a support service in Italian. Plus, its affordable costs and scalable pricing make it accessible to a wide range of businesses.

If you need a complete and reliable ETL Data Management solution, Connecteed is definitely an application to consider. For more information or to test all its features, we invite you to activate yours free trial Connecteed.

Let Connecteed simplify your ETL process and help you get high-quality data to make informed decisions and drive your business success.

L'ETL Data Management, acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, represents a crucial aspect of data management for many organizations.

This complex process involves extracting data from multiple sources, transforming it into a compatible format, and uploading it to a centralized system.

Effective ETL management can mean the difference between access to high-quality data for business analytics and the constant recurrence of problems due to inconsistent or incomplete data.

In this article, we will explore the world of ETL Data Management and analyze how Connecteed, an application designed specifically for managing product feeds, can prove to be an accessible option for all ETL tasks.

Through in-depth explanations and realistic examples, we'll discover how Connecteed simplifies every aspect of managing ETL data flows.

Introduction to ETL Data Management

Before diving into the details of Connecteed, it is essential to understand the concept of ETL Data Management and what it means for modern businesses. ETL represents a series of intricate processes aimed at ensuring that business data is accessible, consistent and ready for analysis.


In the phase of Extraction, data is acquired from a wide range of sources, which can include databases, log files, web applications and much more. This is often the initial and crucial phase, as the quality of the initial data affects the entire subsequent process.

Connected example: Suppose we have an e-commerce company that wants to extract sales data from different online platforms, such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Connecteed allows you to recover this data in all the most common formats starting from the aforementioned sources, centrally acquiring the necessary information without unnecessary complications.

Transformation (Transform)

The phase of Transformation involves applying a series of rules and transformations to the extracted data. This can include data cleansing, format standardization, deduplication and much more. The goal is to create consistent, analysis-ready data.

Connected example: Suppose we have extracted product data from different sources and now we want to standardize product description formats and remove duplicates. With Connecteed, we can create custom transformation rules to achieve these goals.


In the phase of Loading, the transformed data is loaded into a centralized system, such as a Data Warehouse, ready for analysis and report generation. This phase closes the loop and makes the data accessible to business users.

Connected example: After extracting and transforming sales data from various online channels, we want to load it into a Data Warehouse to analyze sales trends. Connecteed allows you to automatically schedule the periodic loading of this data into the Data Warehouse.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the ETL Data Management process, let's look at how Connecteed fits into this context and simplifies each step.

Connecteed per l'ETL Data Management

Connecteed is a versatile application originally designed for managing product feeds and e-commerce data. However, its flexibility and power make it suitable for carrying out many of the tasks involved in ETL Data Management. Let's see how Connecteed facilitates each step of the ETL process.

Centralized management of data feeds

One of the first advantages of Connecteed in the ETL space is its ability to offer a centralized management of all data feeds. This means that it is not necessary to use a series of different tools for the various steps of the import and export activities. With Connecteed, all of these operations can be performed in a single platform, significantly simplifying data management.

Connected example: Imagine that you need to manage inventory data from different branches and want to consolidate all this data into a single system. Connecteed allows you to connect to all data sources and centralize extraction into a single workflow.

Integration of data from different sources

Another key point in ETL is the acquisition of data feeds from different sources. This is often a complex task, as the data can come from heterogeneous sources and in different formats. Connecteed offers an elegant solution to this problem, enabling the integration of data from multiple channels with a significant reduction in feed aggregation and error times.

Connected example: Suppose you need to aggregate sales data from an ERP system, a SQL database, and a cloud application. Connecteed simplifies this integration by allowing you to easily configure connections and unify data into a single view.

Database customization

Every ETL project has unique needs when it comes to data structure. Connecteed recognizes this diversity and enables creation of a custom database for each project. This customization is fundamental, as it allows you to adapt the database to the specific needs of the business, replicating templates with the exact characteristics required by your e-commerce or marketplaces.

Connected example: An online fashion company might have very different requirements than an electronics retailer. Connecteed allows you to create database schemas tailored to each of these industries, with specific fields and attributes.

Data aggregation

An important aspect of ETL is the unification of two or more feeds into a single price list. This is often necessary when you want to analyze data from different sources as a single set. Connecteed offers the possibility of aggregating multiple price lists by identifying a unique primary key common to all data sets, significantly simplifying this process.

Connected example: Suppose you have sales data from different regions and you want to analyze them together. Connecteed allows you to unify them based on a common key, such as the product key.

Data normalization and uniformity

The data normalization and uniformity are critical in ETL to ensure data consistency and accuracy across all sales channels. Connecteed is committed to ensuring that data is consistent and ready for analysis, maximizing its quality.

Connected example: In an ETL application, you may need to convert all currencies into a single reference currency for financial analysis. Connecteed allows you to apply normalization rules to obtain uniform data.

Data modification based on xonconditional rules

ETL often involves the modifying data based on conditional rules. This means that data can be customized in response to specific parameter changes. Connecteed offers great flexibility in defining these rules, allowing for advanced data customization.

Connected example: Imagine having to automatically update product prices based on stock availability. Connecteed allows you to define rules so that prices are adjusted in real time.

Converting output formats

Often, the data must be converted from one input format to a different output format. Connecteed simplifies this operation, ensuring that the data is always compatible across different sales channels.

Connected example: Suppose you need to distribute data to customers via CSV files, but you are used to working with data in JSON format. Connecteed allows you to automatically convert data into the required format.

Schedule programming and update frequency

In data management, regular updating is essential. Connecteed offers the possibility of schedule feed update times and frequency, ensuring that data is always up to date and synchronized with supplier information.

Connected example: Suppose you need to update your inventory data every night to reflect new deliveries. Connecteed allows you to schedule automatic updating for night time.

Reception of automatic alerts

Secure data management is a priority for any business. Connecteed offers a functionality of receiving automatic alerts which allows you to securely manage data flows. These alerts can identify problems early and allow errors in the flow to be corrected.

Connected example: Imagine receiving an alert when a vendor changes the data format. Connecteed can alert you immediately so you can quickly adapt your transformation rules.

Ready to test a simple and innovative tool for ETL data management?

Activate your Connecteed trial now

In a world where access to high-quality data is crucial to business success, ETL Data Management plays a vital role.

Connecteed, despite being born as an advanced tool for managing product feeds, stands out as a practical and efficient solution also for the simplification of all the phases involved in the management of an ETL data flow.

Its ability to centrally manage data feeds, integrate data from different sources, customize databases, aggregate information, ensure normalization and uniformity, apply advanced transformation rules, convert output formats, schedule updates and receive automatic notifications and alerts makes it make it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking for a reliable ETL solution.

Connecteed adapts to the needs of small, medium and large businesses, offering a clear and intuitive interface, exhaustive tutorials and a support service in Italian. Plus, its affordable costs and scalable pricing make it accessible to a wide range of businesses.

If you need a complete and reliable ETL Data Management solution, Connecteed is definitely an application to consider. For more information or to test all its features, we invite you to activate yours free trial Connecteed.

Let Connecteed simplify your ETL process and help you get high-quality data to make informed decisions and drive your business success.

Start your 15-day free
trial today!

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© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004