
How to upload products to Pinterest: guide to using Connecteed as a feed manager for Pinterest

Pinterest represents a platform with great potential for companies and e-commerce companies that deal in items in a wide range of sectors, from clothing to luxury, and that wish to present their products to a wide audience.

An effective way to do this is to create a “Catalogue” on the social network. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of creating and uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs, showing you how to optimize the process by leveraging a data feed management tool like Connecteed.

Consider whether Catalogs is the right solution for you

Before diving into creating a Catalog, it's essential to determine if Catalogs is the right marketing tool for your business.

Pinterest Catalogs are designed for companies that sell products within their online stores, with a particular focus on product categories strongly linked to the world of fashion, design, home decor and luxury.

To use Catalogs effectively, you need:

  • un account business Pinterest.

  • A claimed website.

  • An ecommerce design that meets all Pinterest merchant guidelines, including clear shipping and refund policies.

  • A product feed containing a list of your products and their attributes.

Start uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs: step by step guide

In which phases does the activity of uploading your product feed on the Pinterest platform for advertising activities consist exactly? Let's find out together.

Claim your website

To ensure visibility of your products, all destination URLs in your data feed must point to a website claimed by your Pinterest business account.

You can claim multiple domains, but each domain can only be linked from a single Pinterest business account. Follow Pinterest's guidelines to complete the identification process and claim ownership of your portal.

Prepare your product feed for Pinterest

Creating a data source is a crucial step in setting up your Catalog. A data source, also known as a Product Catalog or Feed, is a structured file containing information about the items for sale in your online store.

Pinterest will use this data to dynamically create product listings.

Here's how the whole process unfolds:

  • connect your product feed to Pinterest using a URL as the source

  • Pinterest will validate the file and create a product listing for each item that passes verification.

  • Keep your product feed updated. Pinterest will capture it daily and notify you if there are any errors. It is essential to review and correct errors promptly to keep the product information published on the portal accurate.

Product feed hosting requirements

  • You need to provide your hosting solution on an FTP/SFTP server or set up a direct HTTP/HTTPS download link.

  • The hosting site must be accessible by a user-agent and not require the entry of IPs or SSH keys.

Product feed format requirements

  • Supported formats include tab-separated (TSV), comma-separated (CSV), and XML (RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0).

  • Compressed files (.zip, .giz, .gz, .bz2, etc.) are accepted, but encrypted or password-protected files are not supported.

  • Make sure you have correct formatting with consistent delimiters and encoding in UTF-8 format (except for google_tsv_excel files).

Product data requirements

Your data source must include seven required fields: id, title, description, link, image link, price, and availability. If you want to display variants, additional fields such as item_group_id, variant_names, and variant_values ​​are required.

Optional fields

You can include optional fields to provide additional details about your products, such as average review rating, HTML description, mobile link, number of ratings, number of reviews, product type, and sales price.

Optional product identifiers

Optional product identifiers include brand, gtin (global trade item number), item_group_id, and mpn (manufacturer part number).

Optional product features

Add optional product features like age group, alt text, color, gender, material, pattern, size, size system, size type, variant_names, and variant_values ​​to improve the relevance of your listings.

Optional tax and shipping information

Include free shipping information, free shipping limit, shipping details, taxes, and shipping fees as needed.

Optional adult product flags

Set the "adult" attribute to true if your products are considered adult content and you don't want them to appear on Pinterest unencrypted.

Optional custom labels

You can create custom labels (up to five) to group your products for various purposes, such as seasonal promotions or best sellers.

Optional shopping advertising fields

If you're running ads on Pinterest, consider using ad_link, condition, and google_product_category to enhance your ad campaign.

Install the Pinterest tag for tracking conversions of Adv campaigns

The Pinterest tag is essential for tracking conversions and building audiences for your products. Make sure your Pinterest tag includes specific conversion types like page visits, add tocart, and checkouts, and includes the "product_id" attribute.

Please note that for effective tracking you need to have at least 100,000 combined page visit and add tocart events in the last seven days with product id.

Using Connecteed to optimize product feeds on Pinterest

Now, let's take a deeper look at how Connecteed, the professional feed management software, can revolutionize the process of creating and updating product feeds to send to Pinterest.

Process automation

Connecteed is designed to automate and simplify every step of the process. From acquiring data from suppliers to updating feeds, Connecteed takes care of it all. With a single account, you can create multiple containers, each populated with different datasets. This means you can manage feeds from multiple vendors or sources with ease, which is especially useful if you operate with multiple manufacturers or marketplaces.

Multi-channel management of sources

Connecteed allows you to set up multi-channel sources for ingesting feeds. You can choose from a wide range of options, including public URLs, email inboxes, Google Sheets (Google Sheets or Google Workspace), HTTP/HTTPS or FTP/SFTP repositories. You can even manage multiple import sources at the same time, even if they use different data formats like .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML or .JSON. This flexibility is crucial to adapt to the changing needs of your suppliers.

Database customization

Within each project, you can customize the database to the specific needs of your business. You can set the number of columns, field names, and data types to match the characteristics of your products. This allows you to create custom templates that perfectly match Pinterest's requirements, ensuring your data is consistent and ready to publish.

Data unification and normalization

Connecteed greatly simplifies the process of unifying and normalizing data. You can unify two or more feeds into a single list based on a unique key, such as an ID, EAN code or ISBN code. This eliminates the need to perform these operations manually, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

Conditional changes

The software also offers tools to make changes to data based on conditional rules. This means you can exclude or include specific rows of data based on certain conditions. For example, you can adjust product prices based on categories or exclude unavailable products. This level of control is critical to ensuring your feeds are always up-to-date and accurate.

Converting output formats

Regardless of the feed ingestion format, Connecteed allows you to easily convert input files to the desired output format. Whether you need a .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML, or .JSON file, Connecteed has it all covered. This flexibility ensures that your data is always compatible with Pinterest's requirements.

Programming of update times

Once you've configured your data capture channels and final destinations, you can precisely schedule the times and frequency of feed updates. This is critical to ensure data is always in sync with supplier information and updated in a timely manner.

Connecteed is a valuable ally when it comes to managing and optimizing product feeds for Pinterest. It automates the process, ensures accurate data and cohesion, and allows you to focus on promoting your products on this impactful platform. By taking advantage of Connecteed's advanced features, you can get the most out of your Catalogs on Pinterest and significantly increase the visibility of your products.

Pinterest represents a platform with great potential for companies and e-commerce companies that deal in items in a wide range of sectors, from clothing to luxury, and that wish to present their products to a wide audience.

An effective way to do this is to create a “Catalogue” on the social network. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of creating and uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs, showing you how to optimize the process by leveraging a data feed management tool like Connecteed.

Consider whether Catalogs is the right solution for you

Before diving into creating a Catalog, it's essential to determine if Catalogs is the right marketing tool for your business.

Pinterest Catalogs are designed for companies that sell products within their online stores, with a particular focus on product categories strongly linked to the world of fashion, design, home decor and luxury.

To use Catalogs effectively, you need:

  • un account business Pinterest.

  • A claimed website.

  • An ecommerce design that meets all Pinterest merchant guidelines, including clear shipping and refund policies.

  • A product feed containing a list of your products and their attributes.

Start uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs: step by step guide

In which phases does the activity of uploading your product feed on the Pinterest platform for advertising activities consist exactly? Let's find out together.

Claim your website

To ensure visibility of your products, all destination URLs in your data feed must point to a website claimed by your Pinterest business account.

You can claim multiple domains, but each domain can only be linked from a single Pinterest business account. Follow Pinterest's guidelines to complete the identification process and claim ownership of your portal.

Prepare your product feed for Pinterest

Creating a data source is a crucial step in setting up your Catalog. A data source, also known as a Product Catalog or Feed, is a structured file containing information about the items for sale in your online store.

Pinterest will use this data to dynamically create product listings.

Here's how the whole process unfolds:

  • connect your product feed to Pinterest using a URL as the source

  • Pinterest will validate the file and create a product listing for each item that passes verification.

  • Keep your product feed updated. Pinterest will capture it daily and notify you if there are any errors. It is essential to review and correct errors promptly to keep the product information published on the portal accurate.

Product feed hosting requirements

  • You need to provide your hosting solution on an FTP/SFTP server or set up a direct HTTP/HTTPS download link.

  • The hosting site must be accessible by a user-agent and not require the entry of IPs or SSH keys.

Product feed format requirements

  • Supported formats include tab-separated (TSV), comma-separated (CSV), and XML (RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0).

  • Compressed files (.zip, .giz, .gz, .bz2, etc.) are accepted, but encrypted or password-protected files are not supported.

  • Make sure you have correct formatting with consistent delimiters and encoding in UTF-8 format (except for google_tsv_excel files).

Product data requirements

Your data source must include seven required fields: id, title, description, link, image link, price, and availability. If you want to display variants, additional fields such as item_group_id, variant_names, and variant_values ​​are required.

Optional fields

You can include optional fields to provide additional details about your products, such as average review rating, HTML description, mobile link, number of ratings, number of reviews, product type, and sales price.

Optional product identifiers

Optional product identifiers include brand, gtin (global trade item number), item_group_id, and mpn (manufacturer part number).

Optional product features

Add optional product features like age group, alt text, color, gender, material, pattern, size, size system, size type, variant_names, and variant_values ​​to improve the relevance of your listings.

Optional tax and shipping information

Include free shipping information, free shipping limit, shipping details, taxes, and shipping fees as needed.

Optional adult product flags

Set the "adult" attribute to true if your products are considered adult content and you don't want them to appear on Pinterest unencrypted.

Optional custom labels

You can create custom labels (up to five) to group your products for various purposes, such as seasonal promotions or best sellers.

Optional shopping advertising fields

If you're running ads on Pinterest, consider using ad_link, condition, and google_product_category to enhance your ad campaign.

Install the Pinterest tag for tracking conversions of Adv campaigns

The Pinterest tag is essential for tracking conversions and building audiences for your products. Make sure your Pinterest tag includes specific conversion types like page visits, add tocart, and checkouts, and includes the "product_id" attribute.

Please note that for effective tracking you need to have at least 100,000 combined page visit and add tocart events in the last seven days with product id.

Using Connecteed to optimize product feeds on Pinterest

Now, let's take a deeper look at how Connecteed, the professional feed management software, can revolutionize the process of creating and updating product feeds to send to Pinterest.

Process automation

Connecteed is designed to automate and simplify every step of the process. From acquiring data from suppliers to updating feeds, Connecteed takes care of it all. With a single account, you can create multiple containers, each populated with different datasets. This means you can manage feeds from multiple vendors or sources with ease, which is especially useful if you operate with multiple manufacturers or marketplaces.

Multi-channel management of sources

Connecteed allows you to set up multi-channel sources for ingesting feeds. You can choose from a wide range of options, including public URLs, email inboxes, Google Sheets (Google Sheets or Google Workspace), HTTP/HTTPS or FTP/SFTP repositories. You can even manage multiple import sources at the same time, even if they use different data formats like .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML or .JSON. This flexibility is crucial to adapt to the changing needs of your suppliers.

Database customization

Within each project, you can customize the database to the specific needs of your business. You can set the number of columns, field names, and data types to match the characteristics of your products. This allows you to create custom templates that perfectly match Pinterest's requirements, ensuring your data is consistent and ready to publish.

Data unification and normalization

Connecteed greatly simplifies the process of unifying and normalizing data. You can unify two or more feeds into a single list based on a unique key, such as an ID, EAN code or ISBN code. This eliminates the need to perform these operations manually, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

Conditional changes

The software also offers tools to make changes to data based on conditional rules. This means you can exclude or include specific rows of data based on certain conditions. For example, you can adjust product prices based on categories or exclude unavailable products. This level of control is critical to ensuring your feeds are always up-to-date and accurate.

Converting output formats

Regardless of the feed ingestion format, Connecteed allows you to easily convert input files to the desired output format. Whether you need a .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML, or .JSON file, Connecteed has it all covered. This flexibility ensures that your data is always compatible with Pinterest's requirements.

Programming of update times

Once you've configured your data capture channels and final destinations, you can precisely schedule the times and frequency of feed updates. This is critical to ensure data is always in sync with supplier information and updated in a timely manner.

Connecteed is a valuable ally when it comes to managing and optimizing product feeds for Pinterest. It automates the process, ensures accurate data and cohesion, and allows you to focus on promoting your products on this impactful platform. By taking advantage of Connecteed's advanced features, you can get the most out of your Catalogs on Pinterest and significantly increase the visibility of your products.

Pinterest represents a platform with great potential for companies and e-commerce companies that deal in items in a wide range of sectors, from clothing to luxury, and that wish to present their products to a wide audience.

An effective way to do this is to create a “Catalogue” on the social network. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of creating and uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs, showing you how to optimize the process by leveraging a data feed management tool like Connecteed.

Consider whether Catalogs is the right solution for you

Before diving into creating a Catalog, it's essential to determine if Catalogs is the right marketing tool for your business.

Pinterest Catalogs are designed for companies that sell products within their online stores, with a particular focus on product categories strongly linked to the world of fashion, design, home decor and luxury.

To use Catalogs effectively, you need:

  • un account business Pinterest.

  • A claimed website.

  • An ecommerce design that meets all Pinterest merchant guidelines, including clear shipping and refund policies.

  • A product feed containing a list of your products and their attributes.

Start uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs: step by step guide

In which phases does the activity of uploading your product feed on the Pinterest platform for advertising activities consist exactly? Let's find out together.

Claim your website

To ensure visibility of your products, all destination URLs in your data feed must point to a website claimed by your Pinterest business account.

You can claim multiple domains, but each domain can only be linked from a single Pinterest business account. Follow Pinterest's guidelines to complete the identification process and claim ownership of your portal.

Prepare your product feed for Pinterest

Creating a data source is a crucial step in setting up your Catalog. A data source, also known as a Product Catalog or Feed, is a structured file containing information about the items for sale in your online store.

Pinterest will use this data to dynamically create product listings.

Here's how the whole process unfolds:

  • connect your product feed to Pinterest using a URL as the source

  • Pinterest will validate the file and create a product listing for each item that passes verification.

  • Keep your product feed updated. Pinterest will capture it daily and notify you if there are any errors. It is essential to review and correct errors promptly to keep the product information published on the portal accurate.

Product feed hosting requirements

  • You need to provide your hosting solution on an FTP/SFTP server or set up a direct HTTP/HTTPS download link.

  • The hosting site must be accessible by a user-agent and not require the entry of IPs or SSH keys.

Product feed format requirements

  • Supported formats include tab-separated (TSV), comma-separated (CSV), and XML (RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0).

  • Compressed files (.zip, .giz, .gz, .bz2, etc.) are accepted, but encrypted or password-protected files are not supported.

  • Make sure you have correct formatting with consistent delimiters and encoding in UTF-8 format (except for google_tsv_excel files).

Product data requirements

Your data source must include seven required fields: id, title, description, link, image link, price, and availability. If you want to display variants, additional fields such as item_group_id, variant_names, and variant_values ​​are required.

Optional fields

You can include optional fields to provide additional details about your products, such as average review rating, HTML description, mobile link, number of ratings, number of reviews, product type, and sales price.

Optional product identifiers

Optional product identifiers include brand, gtin (global trade item number), item_group_id, and mpn (manufacturer part number).

Optional product features

Add optional product features like age group, alt text, color, gender, material, pattern, size, size system, size type, variant_names, and variant_values ​​to improve the relevance of your listings.

Optional tax and shipping information

Include free shipping information, free shipping limit, shipping details, taxes, and shipping fees as needed.

Optional adult product flags

Set the "adult" attribute to true if your products are considered adult content and you don't want them to appear on Pinterest unencrypted.

Optional custom labels

You can create custom labels (up to five) to group your products for various purposes, such as seasonal promotions or best sellers.

Optional shopping advertising fields

If you're running ads on Pinterest, consider using ad_link, condition, and google_product_category to enhance your ad campaign.

Install the Pinterest tag for tracking conversions of Adv campaigns

The Pinterest tag is essential for tracking conversions and building audiences for your products. Make sure your Pinterest tag includes specific conversion types like page visits, add tocart, and checkouts, and includes the "product_id" attribute.

Please note that for effective tracking you need to have at least 100,000 combined page visit and add tocart events in the last seven days with product id.

Using Connecteed to optimize product feeds on Pinterest

Now, let's take a deeper look at how Connecteed, the professional feed management software, can revolutionize the process of creating and updating product feeds to send to Pinterest.

Process automation

Connecteed is designed to automate and simplify every step of the process. From acquiring data from suppliers to updating feeds, Connecteed takes care of it all. With a single account, you can create multiple containers, each populated with different datasets. This means you can manage feeds from multiple vendors or sources with ease, which is especially useful if you operate with multiple manufacturers or marketplaces.

Multi-channel management of sources

Connecteed allows you to set up multi-channel sources for ingesting feeds. You can choose from a wide range of options, including public URLs, email inboxes, Google Sheets (Google Sheets or Google Workspace), HTTP/HTTPS or FTP/SFTP repositories. You can even manage multiple import sources at the same time, even if they use different data formats like .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML or .JSON. This flexibility is crucial to adapt to the changing needs of your suppliers.

Database customization

Within each project, you can customize the database to the specific needs of your business. You can set the number of columns, field names, and data types to match the characteristics of your products. This allows you to create custom templates that perfectly match Pinterest's requirements, ensuring your data is consistent and ready to publish.

Data unification and normalization

Connecteed greatly simplifies the process of unifying and normalizing data. You can unify two or more feeds into a single list based on a unique key, such as an ID, EAN code or ISBN code. This eliminates the need to perform these operations manually, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

Conditional changes

The software also offers tools to make changes to data based on conditional rules. This means you can exclude or include specific rows of data based on certain conditions. For example, you can adjust product prices based on categories or exclude unavailable products. This level of control is critical to ensuring your feeds are always up-to-date and accurate.

Converting output formats

Regardless of the feed ingestion format, Connecteed allows you to easily convert input files to the desired output format. Whether you need a .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML, or .JSON file, Connecteed has it all covered. This flexibility ensures that your data is always compatible with Pinterest's requirements.

Programming of update times

Once you've configured your data capture channels and final destinations, you can precisely schedule the times and frequency of feed updates. This is critical to ensure data is always in sync with supplier information and updated in a timely manner.

Connecteed is a valuable ally when it comes to managing and optimizing product feeds for Pinterest. It automates the process, ensures accurate data and cohesion, and allows you to focus on promoting your products on this impactful platform. By taking advantage of Connecteed's advanced features, you can get the most out of your Catalogs on Pinterest and significantly increase the visibility of your products.

Pinterest represents a platform with great potential for companies and e-commerce companies that deal in items in a wide range of sectors, from clothing to luxury, and that wish to present their products to a wide audience.

An effective way to do this is to create a “Catalogue” on the social network. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of creating and uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs, showing you how to optimize the process by leveraging a data feed management tool like Connecteed.

Consider whether Catalogs is the right solution for you

Before diving into creating a Catalog, it's essential to determine if Catalogs is the right marketing tool for your business.

Pinterest Catalogs are designed for companies that sell products within their online stores, with a particular focus on product categories strongly linked to the world of fashion, design, home decor and luxury.

To use Catalogs effectively, you need:

  • un account business Pinterest.

  • A claimed website.

  • An ecommerce design that meets all Pinterest merchant guidelines, including clear shipping and refund policies.

  • A product feed containing a list of your products and their attributes.

Start uploading products to Pinterest Catalogs: step by step guide

In which phases does the activity of uploading your product feed on the Pinterest platform for advertising activities consist exactly? Let's find out together.

Claim your website

To ensure visibility of your products, all destination URLs in your data feed must point to a website claimed by your Pinterest business account.

You can claim multiple domains, but each domain can only be linked from a single Pinterest business account. Follow Pinterest's guidelines to complete the identification process and claim ownership of your portal.

Prepare your product feed for Pinterest

Creating a data source is a crucial step in setting up your Catalog. A data source, also known as a Product Catalog or Feed, is a structured file containing information about the items for sale in your online store.

Pinterest will use this data to dynamically create product listings.

Here's how the whole process unfolds:

  • connect your product feed to Pinterest using a URL as the source

  • Pinterest will validate the file and create a product listing for each item that passes verification.

  • Keep your product feed updated. Pinterest will capture it daily and notify you if there are any errors. It is essential to review and correct errors promptly to keep the product information published on the portal accurate.

Product feed hosting requirements

  • You need to provide your hosting solution on an FTP/SFTP server or set up a direct HTTP/HTTPS download link.

  • The hosting site must be accessible by a user-agent and not require the entry of IPs or SSH keys.

Product feed format requirements

  • Supported formats include tab-separated (TSV), comma-separated (CSV), and XML (RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0).

  • Compressed files (.zip, .giz, .gz, .bz2, etc.) are accepted, but encrypted or password-protected files are not supported.

  • Make sure you have correct formatting with consistent delimiters and encoding in UTF-8 format (except for google_tsv_excel files).

Product data requirements

Your data source must include seven required fields: id, title, description, link, image link, price, and availability. If you want to display variants, additional fields such as item_group_id, variant_names, and variant_values ​​are required.

Optional fields

You can include optional fields to provide additional details about your products, such as average review rating, HTML description, mobile link, number of ratings, number of reviews, product type, and sales price.

Optional product identifiers

Optional product identifiers include brand, gtin (global trade item number), item_group_id, and mpn (manufacturer part number).

Optional product features

Add optional product features like age group, alt text, color, gender, material, pattern, size, size system, size type, variant_names, and variant_values ​​to improve the relevance of your listings.

Optional tax and shipping information

Include free shipping information, free shipping limit, shipping details, taxes, and shipping fees as needed.

Optional adult product flags

Set the "adult" attribute to true if your products are considered adult content and you don't want them to appear on Pinterest unencrypted.

Optional custom labels

You can create custom labels (up to five) to group your products for various purposes, such as seasonal promotions or best sellers.

Optional shopping advertising fields

If you're running ads on Pinterest, consider using ad_link, condition, and google_product_category to enhance your ad campaign.

Install the Pinterest tag for tracking conversions of Adv campaigns

The Pinterest tag is essential for tracking conversions and building audiences for your products. Make sure your Pinterest tag includes specific conversion types like page visits, add tocart, and checkouts, and includes the "product_id" attribute.

Please note that for effective tracking you need to have at least 100,000 combined page visit and add tocart events in the last seven days with product id.

Using Connecteed to optimize product feeds on Pinterest

Now, let's take a deeper look at how Connecteed, the professional feed management software, can revolutionize the process of creating and updating product feeds to send to Pinterest.

Process automation

Connecteed is designed to automate and simplify every step of the process. From acquiring data from suppliers to updating feeds, Connecteed takes care of it all. With a single account, you can create multiple containers, each populated with different datasets. This means you can manage feeds from multiple vendors or sources with ease, which is especially useful if you operate with multiple manufacturers or marketplaces.

Multi-channel management of sources

Connecteed allows you to set up multi-channel sources for ingesting feeds. You can choose from a wide range of options, including public URLs, email inboxes, Google Sheets (Google Sheets or Google Workspace), HTTP/HTTPS or FTP/SFTP repositories. You can even manage multiple import sources at the same time, even if they use different data formats like .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML or .JSON. This flexibility is crucial to adapt to the changing needs of your suppliers.

Database customization

Within each project, you can customize the database to the specific needs of your business. You can set the number of columns, field names, and data types to match the characteristics of your products. This allows you to create custom templates that perfectly match Pinterest's requirements, ensuring your data is consistent and ready to publish.

Data unification and normalization

Connecteed greatly simplifies the process of unifying and normalizing data. You can unify two or more feeds into a single list based on a unique key, such as an ID, EAN code or ISBN code. This eliminates the need to perform these operations manually, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

Conditional changes

The software also offers tools to make changes to data based on conditional rules. This means you can exclude or include specific rows of data based on certain conditions. For example, you can adjust product prices based on categories or exclude unavailable products. This level of control is critical to ensuring your feeds are always up-to-date and accurate.

Converting output formats

Regardless of the feed ingestion format, Connecteed allows you to easily convert input files to the desired output format. Whether you need a .CSV, .XSL, .TXT, .XML, or .JSON file, Connecteed has it all covered. This flexibility ensures that your data is always compatible with Pinterest's requirements.

Programming of update times

Once you've configured your data capture channels and final destinations, you can precisely schedule the times and frequency of feed updates. This is critical to ensure data is always in sync with supplier information and updated in a timely manner.

Connecteed is a valuable ally when it comes to managing and optimizing product feeds for Pinterest. It automates the process, ensures accurate data and cohesion, and allows you to focus on promoting your products on this impactful platform. By taking advantage of Connecteed's advanced features, you can get the most out of your Catalogs on Pinterest and significantly increase the visibility of your products.

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Your products.
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© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004

Your products.
Anywhere. Anytime.

© Copyright 2024, All rights reserved by Connecteed. VAT 15798401004