Database configuration

Database configuration

Database configuration

Each project you create in connecteed is linked to a specific and unique database. Imagine a database as an excel sheet, a table made up of header fields with a specific name, and rows.

For each database you can change the name of the fields at any time, adding fields as you like or removing them as needed.

Once the database and its columns have been created, you can import data by creating the connection between the fields of the source from which you import the data (CSV, TXT, JSON, XML, GDOC, etc...) and the fields of your database.

In this way, connecteed will allow you to bring data from files with different nomenclatures into your database in a precise and reliable way.

The following example will help you understand the simplicity and potential of configuration.

Your database contains the following fields:

  • EAN

  • price

  • amount

  • description

  • weight

  • color

The file you intend to import, offered by one of your suppliers, or by your management system, contains:

  • product_code

  • description

  • price

  • stock

  • variant

  • weight

By making the following association in Connecteed, the system will import the data correctly:

NB: if the field of the source file, provided by third parties, for example via FTP, undergoes a change in the name of the fields, Connecteed will not be able to import data