Data de-duplication function

Data de-duplication function

Data de-duplication function

Connecteed provides an object deduplication function which allows, in a feed in which there are two or more objects that can be identified according to a field for which they have the same value, to remove all duplicate objects.

Duplicate objects can appear in data feeds following, for example, merging multiple feeds into the same project (such as importing telephone price lists from multiple suppliers selling the same references).

In these cases, if you then want to export the feeds for sale on marketplaces or direct distribution, it is necessary to maintain only one record and then choose which reference to export according to a configurable parameter (e.g. lower sales price or higher quantity).

As can be seen from the Connecteed rule manager interface, once this type of rule has been inserted it is possible to indicate which field to use to tell Connecteed which product to keep, eliminating the subsequent ones.

Like all other rules, you can test each rule knowing its numerical impact on the database you are processing.