How to export your product database to CSV format with Connecteed

How to export your product database to CSV format with Connecteed

How to export your product database to CSV format with Connecteed

CSV export represents the primary format for uploading products to most Italian and foreign marketplaces.

With just a few simple steps, Connecteed allows you to export your products into a CSV file containing the fields requested by your interlocutor, be it an e-commerce site that wants to import the products distributed by you, be it a marketplace like IBS, ManoMano or Ideal.

Once you have fed your project database via a product import, by clicking on Export you can access the list of export types. Selecting the first (CSV), as shown in the following image, automatically opens the options available for that format.

Interpretation options for the CSV to import

The file can be exported with the separator you indicated, specifying the encoding and whether you want the individual values of each cell to be quoted (packaged) by a special character, very useful for exporting, in CSV with comma separator, descriptive fields containing a in turn the comma character.

Quoting with " (double comma) will allow the recipient of your files to correctly import the fields without risking interpreting the comma of the product description, as a field separator, generating an extra field in cases of comma present in the message content, generating errors decoding your file.