Configuring export rules for each channel (marketplace or file)

Configuring export rules for each channel (marketplace or file)

Configuring export rules for each channel (marketplace or file)

The channeling rules are those rules that you can configure in the channel you have chosen (e.g. Amazon) and in your specific project, and they will be activated exclusively in the sending phase (manual or automated) of the products of that project to that specific channel.

In the export phase of a given channel, Connecteed, before processing the channel rules, will process the general project rules (more information on the general project rules).


Where can I configure per-channel rules?

Access your project and select the left menu item "Export" or "API" to activate a new channel (e.g. Amazon or CSV for IBS) and in the export channel management click on the Rules item to display an interface similar to the following. On the left you will see the list of rules, which can be activated, deactivated and eliminated with a simple drag&drop or click on one of the appropriate icons.

With the three buttons located below the rules, always in the left column, you can add a new rule, use a pre-set of the most used rules or copy a rule already present in another project or channel.

By clicking on the single rule on the left you will be able to access the actual editor on the right, equipped with all the operators useful for composing an alteration flow of your database.

To understand the importance of the sequentiality of the rules, do not miss this tutorial before proceeding with the construction of your export project for online sales.

The logical operators IF / AND / OR / THEN

To use Connecteed's rule manager you will need to know, or understand, the meaning of the operators, which are always offered in English.

  • IF

  • AND

  • OR

  • THEN


A practical example immediately clarifies the ideas:

  • IF (if) the brand of the product is “sony” AND (and) the quantity of the product is greater than 5 THEN (then) exclude the product from publication. 

Clearly, if we wanted to exclude all "sony" products with quantities greater than 5 and then exclude all "samsung" products with quantities greater than 10, we could generate two distinct rules:


  • IF (if) the brand of the product is “sony” AND (and) the quantity of the product is greater than 5 THEN (then) exclude the product from publication.

  • IF (if) the brand of the product is “samsung” AND (and) the quantity of the product is greater than 10 THEN (then) exclude the product from publication.


To obtain the same result, we could generate one rule only, using the OR (or) operator to trigger the exclusion of products in two distinct cases.

  • IF (if) the product brand is “sony” AND (and) the product quantity is greater than 5 OR (or) the product brand is “samsung” AND (and) the product quantity is greater than 10 THEN ( then) exclude the product from serving.