You will then be able to upload your product whose EAN is 08172627822533, with a value of your choice, such as:
12345 (for example a sequential ID coming from your management system);
abc_12345 (a sequential ID with a prefixed identifier);
08172627822533 (the EAN / SKU code directly);
more_08172627822533 (a prefix to the EAN / SKU code);
N... (any other unique format).
The important thing is that for you the ID code that you will have to pass to Amazon via Connecteed is unique for each product. Imagine that in the subsequent price update phases, Amazon will expect the same code from you for that particular product that you want to update product of the previous update.
Your Connecteed project database will need to contain an ID field that will allow Connecteed and Amazon to correctly identify each product over time.
If your management system already exports a unique ID for each product, you can use that. Alternatively, you can use the EAN code, generating a rule that will clone the value of the EAN field on the value of the ID field.
However, in order to keep multiple distinct offers active in your Seller Central for the same product (EAN / SKU), coming from two different feeds of your different suppliers, you can generate two Connecteed projects (one per supplier) and send the two separate offers for the same product.
In the Supplier 1 project you will acquire your source feed by importing the ean 08172627822533 with purchase price 10.00.
In the Supplier 2 project you will acquire the same product with purchase price 12.00.
You will activate two export channels (one per project) to Amazon.
Through the Connecteed rule manager you will apply a 20% markup in the two Amazon export channels.
For this product you will send Amazon an offer at a price of 12.00 (perhaps for a quantity of 15) and an offer at a price of 14.20 (for a quantity of 35 for example).
However, this will only be possible by distinguishing the product ID in the two different projects, sending
Project 1 (for supplier A)
ID = prog1_08172627822533
EAN = 08172627822533
price = 12.00
stock = 15
Project 2 (for supplier B)
ID = prog2_08172627822533
EAN = 08172627822533
price = 14.20
stock = 35
The advantage of double management of the same product will be to have a greater opportunity, when prices vary, to be able to win the buy box (becoming the best bidder), and manage two distinct offers (price/quantity) such that as soon as you finish the lower priced products, you will start selling the higher priced ones.
If the product ID is not differentiated between the two projects, therefore having the same product ID, the system will overwrite the previously sent offer, feeding only one overwritten offer at each synchronization (the export operated by project2 overwrites the price/quantity sent by project1 and vice versa).
Tips for generating a unique ID for Amazon using the rule manager
It will be sufficient to use the chaining rule, joining a fixed value (e.g. PR1_) to the EAN, generating code PR1_08172627822533 and PR2_08172627822533